Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday Readings

Pentagon activated its new U.S. ground-based interceptor missile defense system.

This Democrat says he is proud to work with Republicans. I don't think I have to tell you which one, since so many have gone Deannact...as in Howard.

Glad to hear that the Trial of Saddam is comming to an end. You would never know from the "Drive by Media" who so it seems LOVES Saddam.

Great piece by Dennis Prager about how the left is by far fearful than the right especially on Global Warming.

Even if we are winning the war in Iraq. The left still says we need to pull out. David Limbaugh says we have been winning from the start.

I always make sure that if I find anything the threatens the Bloggers I always put that in my readings. John Owstrowski an intern at Townhall.com talks about the end of "Free" Blogging, and he is not talking about FEES.

Their is some Good News however as Nathan Tabor points how the Left Bloggers might be hanging themselves.

If Iraq is going to be the issue for the next four months then we need a Iraq Truth Squad. Frank Gaffney Jr. explains.

If you loved 'Napoleon Dynamite,' you might love 'Nacho Libre.' It may have Jack Black as its star but it also has Jared Hess and his wife Jerusha as the screenwriters.

Visit 'Circuit City' lately??? Mike Adams has and write this letter regarding a wider Latin Section than a Country Section.

Oh and I forget....Today's Comments from Neal Boortz.


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