The Democrats Online Ad...and the Rightys Are Mad As Heck!!!
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) just recently put out an ad in which it uses several pictures to make a point.
Here is breakdown of a few things that is seen in the ad.
A Caption contained in a red ribbon in the middle of the screens that states "Things Have Taken A Turn For The Worst." Behind the ribbon is two soldiers and a burned car...very likley from Iraq.
A Nuclear Power Plant
A Gas Price Sign that shows the cost of Unleaded Gas at $3.35 a Gallon.
U.S. flag-draped coffins loaded on an airplane (This is making certain members in the GOP angry)
A standing rifle supporting the helmet of a fallen GI
The ad then focuses on the disaster of New Orleans brought about by Hurricane Kartrina. A pic of Bush is displayed cover up by a red ribbon that states "Washington Republicans Have Sold America Out." Then they roll out all the pics of GOP leaders in unconfortable positions and/or evil looks. The ads tell us that "American Families Are Paying The Price." behind the pics of the Evil Bush and Cheney.
Then an American Flag appears and a Blue Ribbon appears with the Caption; "But America Is Strong Enough To Change." Then we see pics of several Democrats leaders (Rahm Emanel, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyt) mixed in with pics of what will happen if voters give the Democrats a majorty in the U.S. House, which is all happy and postitve. Oh yea they had to throw in a pic of their idol Bill Clinton and another pic of Pelosi standing next to 'Dingy' Harry Reid. Yes elect the Democrats in that beloved U.S. House and everything will be allright.
Reality Check: Put them in power once again and our country and very likely will be worse off than we were in the 1970's or the early 1990's when Americans gave the Dems a full house (House, Senate, White House). Now tell me who thinks your dumb and stupid more so.
The Game is the same:
Roll Back the Tax Cuts = Raise Taxes and Never Give the People Break
Reduce the Defect but in reality create more Government Programs and Bureaucracy
Regulate like Crazy and make sure the "Right Noise Machine" is stiffled and hopfuly shut down so that people will get "Truth and Common Sense" from "respected" media outlets like the New York and LA Times, CBSABCNBC, NPRPBS, TimeNewsweek. You get the ideal, only left wing to left center should be in charge of shaping the news. Not RIGHT WING Blogs like this one...even if I am more Liberterarian/Libertine than Conservative. Nope I am not part of the Left Collectitve and that makes a Bad Guy.
Dems will pull out of Iraq and just as with Vietnam America will lose. Meanwhile the Terrorists will be embolded knowing that America is Weak and very likely will bring THEIR WAR here to our soil. The liberals hopfuly will not have enough time to say that they stopped another war.
That is what the Dems will really do if they get in charge.
New Ad, Same Old Direction!!! Their is nothing new about it.
The GOP should be angry about the DCCC's online ad, but at the same time they should be all that suprised about the ad either. The Dems will stoop to great lows in reclam their power. They really think that this is their year of triumph, and think they still have a chance. Right now certain Americans once again see what the dangers of a Democrat Run Government will mean for our nation and that just might keep the Republicans in power especially with what is going on in Israel with the Democrats in charge America might just turn on that nation.
I say it again, the Dems have No NEW Plan. Just the same old Socialist Program that began with FDR so many years ago with an Anti-War bent thanks to George McGoveren, and their constant worshiping of Bill Clinton as shown in the DCCC's ad.
Are you willing to put these Social Enginers in charge once again????
BEWARE: Your Liberties and Freedoms will be in greater danger then ever before.
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The DCCC's New Directions ad
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Don, you sure DCCC doesn't seem to look like CCCP--the letters of the Democrats old friends the Soviet Union a/k/a The Union of Soviet Social[ist] Republics?
You know at Radio Blogger there are those who want to see the US become the USSR.
Don, when I let lose with a tirade, just be lucky I don't have gamma radiation inside me.
BTB, did you happen to see the latest hateful bile at DailyKos called "Imagine a world without Israel." From the title alone, though the Middle East is a weakspot for me, I could already see Anti-Semetic crap-o-la from Baklava Breath!
4:18 AM
I don't need Radio Blogger to show me that certain leftys would like to see us become more like the former USSR.
The left has always admired the dictators cause it gave them hope that one day they will rule with an Iron Hand themselves.
They just have to convince the "useful idiots" that they have their best intrests at heart.
8:27 AM
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