Saturday Readings
Lawrence Kudlow presents The Big-Bang Story of us Private Business, and how the tax "Rate" cuts are a benefit to our economy.
Robert Novak has his take on Rudy Giuliani for President.
Don't blame the Goverment but rather the voters who put people in office that intend to still certain Freedoms. Henry Lamb explains why.
Superman and the Culture War. Billy O makes some good points regarding the "secular-progressives" as he likes to to call them.
Bob Mulholland, senior advisor to Democratic nominee Phil Angelides Compares Schwarzenegger To Kim Jong-Il.... Do you guys ever look in the mirror lately??? Never mind your truly think your serving the "The People." You are not fooling me.
Don, if it were possible for me to talk to Perry White as Mr. O suggests, I would say to his face "GREAT CAESAR'S GHOST! ARE YOU NUTS?! HAS THE DAILY PLANET SUDDENLY BECOME LIKE THE NEW YORK TIMES?!
5:37 AM
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