Why I am Not Celebrating the 4th of July
Cause for two reasons:
One: I am working tonight.
Second (and this is more important) : Most people do not really understand what Independence really means, and you know what??? I am handing over the next lines in this blog to the Talkmaster Neal Boortz. It can be found at Boortz.com
Last Friday I took a call on the air from someone who was very upset with me because, in his words, "You don't celebrate the 4th of July." Well ... perhaps it's time to set the record straight here.
The fact is that I most certainly DO celebrate the 4th of July. I revere this holiday. I know of no other symbol of freedom and independence that stands out stronger than this day.
The 4th celebrates not only freedom, but independence from an oppressive government. For seven long years following July 4, 1776, an unbelievably courageous and determined minority of colonists fought to achieve our independence from England. That's right ... a minority. At no time during our Revolutionary War did the majority of colonists support the cause of independence. If CNN, ABC, The New York Times, and other agencies had been around to do their polling back then we would undoubtedly have been faced with a barrage of weekly poll results showing a lack of public support for the war. Loyalists would be demanding an exit strategy. Newspapers would be editorializing for negotiations and troop withdrawals. There would be feature stories on the news every night about families left behind to take care of the family farms while husbands and brothers were off fighting this unwinnable war.
Thank God we didn't have television during the Revolutionary War. It certainly wouldn't have ended the way it did in 1883.
But ... back to this independence thing. July 4th is known as Independence Day. Independence from what? Independence from the government of Great Britain, that's what.
Now, in 2006, Americans are far more dependent on and oppressed by the Imperial Federal Government of the United States than they ever were by Great Britain. The level of taxation is higher, and the level of government interference in our daily life exceeds anything the colonists ever saw. In spite of all this, Americans will be waving flags, watching parades, going on picnics, and gawking at fireworks today, all in celebration of their love of freedom.
Love of freedom, my left big toe. This isn't a celebration of freedom, this is a celebration of hypocrites.
So .. you love freedom, do you? You're out there waving your flag and watching fireworks with the rest of the freedom lovers? Do you mind very much taking the time off to handle a little quiz? Just go through the following scenarios and answer a few questions:
Planning for your retirement.
1. I want my employer to provide me with a pension plan.
2. I want the government to take something out of every one of my paychecks and then pay it back to me in monthly payments after I reach retirement age.
3. I'm perfectly willing to save some money toward my retirement years out of each and every paycheck and I want my employer and the government to butt out. If I fail to finance my retirement years adequately I'll have nobody to blame but myself.
Desecrating the American Flag
1. I believe the Bill of Rights was written by men to tell government what it can and cannot do. Even though I strongly disapprove of anyone desecrating our Flag, I realize the First Amendment was written to protect unpopular expressions, not ones that everyone is going to agree with.
2. I believe that our Flag is the symbol of our country, and anyone who desecrates it ought to be punished harshly. To that end I approve of a new Constitutional amendment, the first one since prohibition that would tell us what we can and cannot do, instead of the government.
Medical Care
1. My employer should provide me with a health insurance plan covering me and my immediate family.
2. The government should provide taxpayer funded health care for everyone.
3. I should be responsible for providing my own health care and health insurance in a competitive medical marketplace unhindered by government mandates and regulations.
Having No Health Insurance
1. If I have no health insurance the government should provide me emergency health care paid for by the taxpayers.
2. If I have no health insurance and the taxpayers are compelled to pay for any of my health care the taxpayers should be reimbursed through the seizure and sale of all of my assets. I have no claim on the property of others for the purpose of paying for my medical needs.
Choosing a doctor
1. I'm perfectly willing to rely on private accreditation organizations to tell me who is properly trained in the delivery of medical services. After conferring with those accreditation organizations, like the American Medical Association, I want to be free to chose any person I want for any medical purpose I see fit.
2. I want the government to tell me who I can seek medical services from.
Wages and Employment
1. I realize that in the free enterprise marketplace I have something to sell just as to all other individuals and businesses do. My product is my physical and intellectual labor. I should be left absolutely free to negotiate a price for my physical and intellectual labor with any prospective employer free of government interference. The only role for the government in my relationship with my employer would be to provide a means to enforce contracts between us.
2. I want the government to set a minimum wage below which I would not be free to work. I also want the government to set my working hours, how I am to be paid for overtime, family leave options and my vacation periods,
I recognize that the most important task I shall have as a human being will be to nurture and raise my child. With that in mind:
1. I want the government to seize my money through taxes and to use those taxes to set up a system of government schools to which I shall be compelled to send my child. I will be free, if I wish, to send my child to a private school, but the government will not let me have any of my money back to pay for it.
2. I want the government to back out of the picture and allow me to accept the responsibility for the education of my child free of government interference and mandates.
Knowing that the more despotic a government becomes the more that government tries to control the dissemination of information. I also know that most American rely on the broadcast media for their news. Therefore:
1. I want the government to continue to license the operation of all radio and television stations and to regulate their conduct so that they don't broadcast against the common interest.
2. I want the broadcast media in this country to have the full First Amendment rights granted to the printed media.
I am a devoutly religious person and my religious feelings include strongly felt opinions on what other people should and should not do in their private lives.
1. I want the government to regulate the sexual conduct between consenting adults so that said conduct will be in keeping with my personal sense of what is right and what is wrong.
2. I may be disgusted by what some people do to and with each other in the privacy of their own homes, but I do not wish for the government to prevent those perverts from doing whatever perverted things they like to do to each other.
Even though I drink alcohol and smoke nicotine:
1. I want the government to make sure that nobody uses any substance that I find personally offensive. Marijuana, for instance.
2. I do not believe that the government should be involved in what people do, and that includes what people smoke, in privacy of their own homes. I just don't want to have to pay for it when they screw themselves up good.
You need some legal advice.
1. You want the government to tell you who you can go to for legal advice. If you go to someone for legal advice who is not approved by the government, and that person charges you to prepare a will or to draw up a lawsuit for you, you want the government to punish that person with a heavy fine, or perhaps some jail time, even though you freely entered into an agreement with him for that advice and legal help.
2. You are willing to use your own common sense in choosing someone to represent you before a court, either someone who is recommended by a private accreditation agency such as the American Bar Association, or someone who is otherwise known to you to be informed and capable as to legal affairs, and you are willing to abide by the choice you made.
You're going to have a child. You understand that having a child will be physically, emotionally and financially challenging. So .....
1. You want the government to used money seized from taxpayers to pay for child care for your child.
2. You want the government to force your employer to give you 12 weeks off from the job in order to care for your new child, and you want your job to be waiting for you when you return.
3. You know that you had the child, not the taxpayers and not your employer, and you are willing to bear the responsibility for raising that child without the government imposing any cost, burden or duty on anyone else on your behalf.
You want to ride your motorcycle without a helmet.
1. You're willing to take full responsibility for your decision, including the possibility that you might die if you crack your head open and you don't have enough money to pay for the medical care you'll need and there's no private charity willing to step up and cover your costs because they consider your injuries to be essentially self-inflicted.
2. You want to be free to ride without a helmet, but if you do happen to sustain a horrible injury you want the government to force the taxpayers to be responsible for your health care.
I could make expand those questions to 10 pages or more, but the point is made. I doubt many of you actually chose the response that eliminated government interference and left you to be free to make your choices and suffer the consequences. If you did, congratulations. If not ... have fun waving your flag today.
I love you anyway.
The Following Lines Belong to Don
Never mind my dad think Walter Cronkite was and still a good American Journalist (in reality he is a Global Socialist and ADMITS IT!!!), and thinks that we need to pay for HIS and everyone elses Social Security thanks to FDR who pulled off his Grand Illusion of how Goverment can help the people...Just make sure you keep FDR in the oval office. He is the reason why we have term limits today, and the Democrats Hate it so much. My Dad and many others will be like the Sheeple and wave their flags...well for Daddyo he will likely watch PBS's "Captiol Fourth" once again. The other networks have their specials too.
Thank Goodness I Am Shoving Carts Around Tonight.
And I can use Townhall.com once again.
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