Friday Readings
Charles Krauthammer says with James Baker's blunder Bush has one last chance for success in Iraq, and Krauthammer has that what to do.
Mona Charen has her thoughts on Jimmy Carter supporting Palestine and his new book. Carter still lives in his fantasy world does he???
Melanie Morgan has her take on Carter and calls him 'Human Scum.'
Oliver North continues his 'Winning The War' series. This is part three.
Former CNN News chief is planing to launch a website devoted to News from Iraq. Lorie Byrd reminds us of Jordan's mistakes and how the Blog Community ran him out of CNN, and does not believe he will do any better with his new project.
The News Media likes to make the public panic over this thing called Foreclosures. Mike Rosen presents common economic sense regarding the Real Estate market, and how the borrowers are not the villains the media portrays them to be. Their are looking after their own interests.
Kevin McCullough follows up on his piece on why Barack Obamma will be the next President of the United States and states several new reasons.
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