Thursday Readings
German Government has declared war on Homeschooling Families. I have linked these articles before and do so again. Homeschooling is a threat to Socialists.
Victor Davis Hanson talks about a certain fascination some people have with Radical Islam.
Thomas Sowell presents some books you might want to give this Christmas. The books he recommends are books that educate you about America whether its our history, government, economy, or public policy.
Joseph Farah talks about Jimmy Carter's 'hatered' of Isreal and says his open letter to American Jews has found a home at Al-Jazeera.
Ann Coulter aims her guns at the Gray Lady's Frank Rich. As with Walter 'Crankenhouse' Rich and the liberal media in general wants us to lose in Iraq.
George Will that Time Mag's person of the year (You) Lacks Seriousness.
Neal Boortz returns to Pittsburg and comments on the Hamburgler, illegals doing jobs we will not do and more.
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