Tuesday, October 12, 2004

David Brock & Sinclair Broadcast Group

David Brock righty turned lefty is now going after the Sinclair Broadcast Group which is planning to air an anti-Kerry movie on all of their stations. The title of the movie "Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal." The movie is 42 minutes long and the Democrats are up in arms about this and are demanding that Sinclair back off and not air this movie, and Brock is leading the charge

I have heard that Sinclair has even offered equal time to Kerry camp but they turned the TV owner down.

The Dems are going to the Federal Election Commission and see if they have any legal recourse regarding this movie. I am listening to liberal talker Ed Schultz and he says that they should be allowed to run this movie. Then he complains about media companies having too much power. In other words it should be ran like a boutique business so that diversity of opinions can thrive.

I can only say this to Schultz and other leftists lunatics out their. If it were not for Clear Channel your Air America and other liberal talkers would be likely dead in the water. So what if the Mays family is supporting Bush? Clear Channel has been from the beginning about making money and when it came to radio broadcasting (and later TV), Clear Channel is done a very good job at making money over the years. They just can make more money now that now that radio is allowed to be a 'real' business rather than a boutique business that was the norm prior to the 1996 telecommunications bill. By the way half of the radio stations before 96 were not making money, and were losing the cash.

You have plenty of voices with different ideals if not in radio but in other forms of Mass communications such as print, cable, and lets not forget the INTERNET. You have plenty of descent out their. If one doors closes it opens another. Ideals are not being censored

This is biggest danger of the ideal of the concept of 'public airwaves.' This ideal of 'public airwaves' is a way for the government to get in and tell those in broadcasting what they can and can not air on the 'public airwaves.' Social conservatives will use this to make sure the 'seven dirty words' never make it on the air or they do then the FCC makes the broadcasters shell out the money. The Democrats at the same time will use this to censor speech that they don't agree with. If they can stop Sinclair will they be able to finally hush Rush, Sean 'Vanity' Hannity, Neal Boortz, Michael Savage, and anyone else who will not drink the Democrats Kool-Aid.

On a side note their is something called 'News Partnerships' in which an established station produces a newscast for a station that can't or will not startup a newscast. More likely its the former since it takes a lot of money to start up and maintain a newscast. In the Colorado Springs market CBS affiliate KKTV produces a newscast for FOX affiliate KXRM. Now the KXRM newscast has different imaging and stationalty from KKTV they still have the same reporters and share most of the same stories that KKTV does. At least when it comes to the local stories. The national stories are much likely FOX News feeds. Anyway the I question I have to ask is; Where is your 'diversity' of ideals their??? Thought So.

Diversity is nothing more but a buzzword used by our government to justify their excuse to regulate the media to death.

The bottom line is that government should not control the media regarding anything political, and sometimes it can deal with issues that are not for young children. Let the viewers decide regarding the content. If the people don't like what a certain station does turn it off. Don't like a print publication don't buy it. Don't like a website for what it believes then don't visit it. We do need an FCC only for the regulation of the power of the airwaves and maybe they should continue to oversee transaction of stations.


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