Sunday, October 17, 2004

The Election Issues in Colorado

Their are several issues in the State of Colorado that you should be aware of and should be voting on. Cause what you don't know will hurt you. Colorado is one of the few state in which things can be voted upon.

Amendment 34

What does it do: Remove caps on damages for construction defect lawsuits and eliminate a mandatory 75 to 90 say resolution period between property owners and builders after which the owner can sue. It may increase the amount a homeowner can collect in damages for construction defects.

I Say: Sounds good but it looks that Tort Lawyers would LOVE THIS TO DEATH!!! Vote No on 34

Amendment 35

What does it do: This would increase the tax on a pack of cigarettes to 84 cents from 20 cents. It would also double the tax on other tobacco products to 40 percent from 20 percent of the price. The tax money out of this would go to health care programs/services and tobacco-education programs. If passed the taxes would go up on January 1.

I Say: Its a sin tax, imposed on by people who want to save us from ourselves. What is next? A Fast Food Tax. A Tax on Potato Chips, a Cola tax etc etc. The sky is the limit on these Health Nuts. Sure we may be hurting their bodies but that is our choice? No on 35

Amendment 36

What does it do: It would eliminate the current winner take all system for allocating Colorado's nine Electoral College votes in the races for the oval office (President of the United States). In its place would be a system that divvies up Electoral College votes between candidates based on the percentages they earn statewide. If passed and unless the state courts get in the way this would go into effect right away.

I Say: Most of the Newspapers of Colorado are coming against this amendment, and that includes the alternative and far left wing paper, the Colorado Springs Independent. Next time, try to do something like this in Cally or any state that has more Electoral College votes, and not on some state that has less Electoral College votes. VOTE NO ON THIS AT ALL COSTS!!!

Side Note: To you Democrats out their you better work hard to make sure John Kerry wins the popular vote in Colorado. You can do it. Dems won Colorado before and it can happen again.

Amendment 37

What does it do: Require utilities that serve more than 40,000 customers to generate 3 percent of their electrical power from renewable energy sources by 2007, 6% by 2011, and 10% by 2015. 4 percent of renewable must be solar. Other renewable sources are wind, small hydro, geothermal, and biomass facilities.

I Say: I am for renewable energy, I am not for imposing government mandates requiring that you must switch to these sources. In the end its the little guy that gets hurt. You energy bill will go up and its going to be lots and lots of money. Let the free market do what it does best. NO on 37

Referendum A

What does it do: Make changes to Colorado civil service system. How long has it been since Colorado had any changes? 35 years. This measure would add prohibitions against sex and age discrimination in the hiring and promotion process and allow the General Assembly to make exceptions to a rule that requires state employees to live in Colorado. It would create a new process for disciplining and firing state workers and streamline the grievance process, and change the testing and hiring procedures to expand the number of finalists that can be selected for an open job just to name a few things

I Say: Unions and Bureaucrats hate it from what I have been told. That's all I need to know. What they hate I love. YES on A all the way.

Referendum B

I Say: Yes its housecleaning it removes 'Obsolete constitutional provisions.' Only a fool would vote no on this one.

Other thoughts

I not going into any of the Kerry's Bush's, Coors, and the Salazar's of the world since I plan to vote Republican anyway. In our current system with very RARE exceptions only the Republicans and Democrats will win the offices at the State and Federal levels of government. Party will always win over personality, and believe me should a John Kerry or a Ken Salazar win. The interest groups that worked hard to put them in office will make sure their demands will be meet. The Democrats have a lot of people that have a love affair with socialism that nine times out of ten a Kerry or Salazar will promote something that will likely hurt the free market and will help empower government. Plus the Democrats and liberals tend to be sympathize towards our swore enemies of the United States.

Until 'We the People' can change the way our government operates, the Elephants and Donkeys will have it pretty much to themselves.


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