The Word is getting out about 'Fairness'
While I may or may not have done anything alone, the important thing is that people in the radio business are getting informed.
Joel Denver and crew of the radio webtrade All Access Music Group ( did report yesterday that former FCC commissioner Gloria Tristani and a handful of liberal interest groups advocated that it was high time that the dreaded 'Fairness Doctrine' be revived. It should be reported thought that Sinclair Broadcasting did offer time to the Kerry side but it seems that respected Camp turned them down. Meanwhile the FCC is not going to do a thing to stop Sinclair for airing this anti-Kerry movie on their stations.
Yet the left still want to use this event as a weapon against the broadcasting business. They would rather go in with the FORCE of GOVERNMENT to back them up...Shame, Shame, Shame. A damn crying shame.
The letter I sent out to talk shows a few days ago, I don't know if they are taking it into accord but I hope it is kept at the front burner. One of my favorite talkers Neal Boortz did bring up in his Neal Nuze (his blog that is his program notes), although I did sent him a personal letter regarding this topic. Here is what he had to say about Sinclair and the possible return of the Fairness Doctrine
Finally, somebody at the FCC seems to recognize the concept of free speech. Federal Censorship Commission Chairman Michael Powell said yesterday that the documentary "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal" that the Sinclair Broadcasting Group plans to air will not be blocked. Powell says that the federal government should not get into the business of telling broadcasters what they should and should not air.
Said Powell: "There is no FCC rule of prior restraint of a program being aired on television. I think that would be an absolute disservice to the First Amendment and I think it would be unconstitutional if we attempted to do so. So don't look to us to block the airing of a program." Good.
Eighteen Democratic Senators and a couple of House members had complained to the FCC to no avail. They had argued that the documentary about The Poodle violated the equal time rules. But since Sinclair is providing Kerry the opportunity to respond to the claims in the broadcast, the FCC won't do anything there either. Score one for free speech. It's too bad the FCC isn't this consistent when it comes to other broadcasts...but I suppose we'll take what we can get.
Well, the liberals aren't going to take this defeat at the hands of the FCC lightly. Now it's time for the threats. Threats ... that's what any good politician would do when they feel slighted by some element of the private sector ... they threaten retaliation, usually through government action. Remember, government is the only entity in our society authorized to use force to accomplish its goals, whatever those goals may be.
One official with the Kerry campaign actually said that the owners of Sinclair Broadcasting, the television group running the "Stolen Valor" program, had better hope that the Democrats don't win the election. Now what can that mean? Think it through. What happens if Democrats win? They control government, that's what. And if they control government they will be in a position to use that government to punish Sinclair Broadcasting.
This, my friends, is why I have been rooting for Air America, the liberal talk radio network. If Democrats were to gain control, and if they did try to reinstate the absurdly-named "Fairness Doctrine," then Air America would have to air conservative talk show hosts to counter the likes of Franken. Liberals aren't likely to destroy their favorite radio network that way. Pray that Air America survives the election.
Now that would be nice if liberals had to bring in people they did not agree with on Air America. Right now it seems that is a lot of interest in investing or working with Air America. Jones Radio Networks has signed on liberal talker Ed Schultz and their sister company Jones MediaAmerica is signed an agreement with Air America to help sell advertising for the liberal network which is been financed by deep pocket limousine liberals. Ron Hartenbaum who is the CEO of Jones Radio Networks sits on the board of Democracy Radio. A group that is not only trying to develop Progressive/Liberal talkers but want to bring back the fairness Doctrine back. Funny thing is that Boortz is also syndicated by Jones Radio Networks
As of today another radio station owned by Clear Channel has picked up programming from Air America. This time its heritage talker WHJJ in Providence, RI.
What is driving the Left so crazy about Fairness? I don't think they want fairness at all but they do want government to use its power to stifle opinion that the government does NOT AGREE WITH !!! Anyway you can read why Democracy Radio thinks why we should have a fairness doctrine by clicking here
What they really want is for us to go back to a time when (I have said this many times and I will say it again) when we would trust Walter Cronkite and other 'objective reporters' in giving us fair and balanced news. The truth is Cronkite was not fair and balanced and is an open advocate of world government these days. Why do you think he wanted us to leave Vietnam? HE WANTED THE VIETCONG TO WIN!!!
That way it would only strengthen his goals (and many others) for worldwide socialism, and their side could have won.
Talk radio back then was boring as hell, and although Neal Boortz was doing talk radio long before the Fairness doctrine was repealed it still stifled what could be said on air. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of using the Fairness Doctrine to stifle their political rivals and agendas.
If FOX News is all about Yellow Journalism then so be it. CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, PBS, The New York Times, CNN etc etc etc are just as guilty of Yellow Journalism too. Let their be slanted news, let their be slanted ideals, you can turn to many sources to get ideals from. This year its happening. Liberals are getting their foot in the door on the talk radio side.
Sadly its those who claim to be 'liberal' and 'progressive' who want government empowered to force broadcasters to give equal time. Looks like Laura Ingraham is right when she calls most liberals 'elites.' They talk about the airwaves belong to 'us.' You know what maybe we should really look into the ideals that Karl Marx and others of socialist thought promoted. They talk about the 'people' so much and how things belonged to the workers, farmers, and then some. This airwaves owned by the 'people' is a joke. Its all about the government owning everything it can including the People and in the process, doing away with Private Ownership.
The liberals these days are anything BUT about people who want to 'Free People', promote new ideals and freedom. I'll save that for another time.
I will leave with this. Liberals will destroy talk radio with or without Air America. I wish that was not true. I wished they would at least back off on that and allow the right wing to have our talk shows their while they make inroads with their programs.
I just hope they destroy their brand of talk radio in the process, cause I would try to help out if I can. Cause I will scream 'unfairness' whenever I can...just like Richard Nixon did when he was president.
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