MUST READ FOR ALL TALK SHOW HOSTS!!! Your career is on the line
I have sent this E-mail to several well known talk show across the country. Most of them are syndcated and think its important to know what is going on. I am now posting this letter on my blog.
MUST READ FOR ALL TALK SHOW HOSTS!!! Your career is on the line
Liberals are planning to BRING BACK THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE!!!
I am a broadcaster and a listener to talk radio.
I am also been listening to several of the liberal talkers that have come on scene this year and one of them Ed Schultz who is heard via the Jones Radio Networks is advocating the return of the fairness doctrine, and this incident with Sinclair Broadcast and their requirement of the stations they own to carry an anti-Kerry documentary is energizing the left to bring back this dreaded document which will likely crush talk radio and it seems that even the liberal talkers don’t care, and actually what this doctrine to return.
On his recent show Schultz had Congresswoman Louise Slaughter of New York and from what I heard from the exchange on the program, she is planning to introduce a bill next year that could bring back to life the Fairness Doctrine. As may or may not know this doctrine was used to silence critics of both Republican and Democratic administrations. JFK used it and so did Richard Nixon. Schultz and company are using the Sinclair mandate to their advantage. They are hoping that Sinclair will go though with airing the anti-Kerry documentary and the liberals hope to use this as a weapon in their attempt to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. As a broadcaster and someone who cares deeply about this issue, I can tell you honestly that this exchange did take place on The Ed Schultz Show.
They say that the Fairness Doctrine is about letting viewers and listeners find out the truth about public policy issues and the politicians that are suppose to represent us. What it really does is empower government to tell radio stations what they can and can’t air regarding these issues. More likely this will stifle any debate regarding policy issues on radio and even TV.
Please alert your listeners about Slaughter’s attempt to revive the Fairness Doctrine and forward this E-mail to as many local talk shows as you can. I have sent this to several local talkers in my home state of Colorado and most of the key syndicated radio talk shows host that have a conservative bent and believe in Freedom of Speech and the 1st Amendment.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. The future of talk radio is on the line.
Don McCullen
Colorado Springs, CO
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