Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Youthful Idiots

What is a Youthful Idiot?

It is my way of saying someone in their 20's or even their late teens who are taken in by the promises that the liberals/progressives promote to them.

They are made to believe in all the tolerance and diversity propaganda, government Health Care (they think its FREE), peace before war (ie we should have reasoned with Saddam more), and believe that the Free Market is evil and that government must come in and save us from the evils of capitalism. The list goes on and on and on.

Youthful Idiot is taken from the term "Useful Idiot" that was coined by V. Lenin who lead the Communist revolt in Russia and gave us the USSR and the wonderful utopia that it truly was...NOT!!! In a nut shell Useful Idiot described people that had sympathy for the Soviet Union and what they wanted to do for its people.

For so long the left has been on the wrong side of history, and they are on the wrong side again. With no more USSR who can they turn to? Saddam??? Wait he is in prison, but there is still Castro, and that other guy Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Lights of hope for the Utopians.

I would like to send out this post to my former friends Dick and Jane (Not their real names), both would call themselves progressive/liberal. Sadly Dick is a closed minded youthful idiot and Jane who thinks pretty much like him and is going to marry this guy in the Spring next year. Hope you two enjoy wedded bliss. I really mean that.

Another thing they have in common is that they are truly talented musicians. Should they hit it big in New York or Los Angeles, or some big city, they will likely use their fame and fortune to undermind the values of most Americans and keep us on Uncle Sam's Plantation while they go wine and dine with their rich friends.

Barbara Streisand, Al Franken, Alex Baldwin, Janeane Garofalo, Sarah Jessica Parker, Whoopi Goldberg etc etc etc etc...You Get The Ideal. They will likely love Dick & Jane to death cause they will all look down upon us average people and feeling sorry that we are not up their with them...or will they???

I will see to that I get big as I can so that yours truly can put these entertainers on the spot whenever they shoot off their mouths about public policy, and that someone like me will be there to question them when they do such a thing. Not just Dick & Jane (should they make it) but others who may join the Entertainment Elite.

The Entertainment Elite do have rights and I will defend them. I also have the right to question them and give a statement that I think you are wrong on the issues of the day.

I will have something about Entertainers and their lack of logic in their thinking in another post.

When will I do that?

Whenever I feel like doing it.


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