Thursday, November 18, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Palestinians to Host Western Diplomats

Powell Says Iran Is Pursuing Bomb

Iran Said Trying to Fit Missiles for Nukes

Iraq Assessments: Insurgents Not Giving Up

Lawmaker tries to block mental-health screening

Vets blast Pentagon for giving in to ACLU

French nation is U.S. enemy?

Chirac Blasts Bush, America, and 'I've Forgotten His Name' Rumsfeld

Chirac Misses Saddam, Still Hates America

Now look who the racists are when the black community is not drinking the Dems Kool-Aid. Racist Attacks on Rice

Shut up and sing Linda...oh uh here comes Dick & Jane to defend her because they think just like her. I shall do the next best thing. I never buy her records ever again. Accualy I never did, and I will not start


Hal Lindsey talks about the hate America crowd and recalls when happned in many of our colleges during the Vietnam era. MUST READ!!!

The one reason I like World Net Daily is because they go after anyone who endangers freedom in America. Don't agree with them on every issue but their hearts are in the right places. Joseph Farah has this piece regarding the dangers of Bush

Susan Estrich deals with issue of Hillary and the Dems

Paul Craig Roberts warns of the Dollar's value

Emmett Tyrrell wrote a book in 1984 about the liberal crack up. Today he looks at it again and explains the results.

Larry Elder has an Araft piece. I can never post these pieces enough Araft was a bad man

Our troops should NOT bow or bend to political correctness when they fight a war. Thomas Sowell has a MUST READ regarding this.

Last night on KTSC-FM's Talk The Talk program we did something on adoption. Marvin Olasky however says this subject is underreported by our press.

I wish Dick and Jane or any left wing musican that does not use the left brain would read this piece regarding Carnegie Hall


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