Morning News & Commentary
In case you missed it, yesterday I began to to highlight a lyric line from some of the greatest music that you can only hear around this time of the year. Of chorse you can play all year around but why would you. Yep let the Holiday Music roll.
Four Killed in Baghdad's Green Zone
Palestinian Authority Sets Elections Date
Fewer Exchange Students in U.S. Schools
Convicted terroristto run for PA leader
Drug cartel targets Border Patrol agents
8 executed by Cancun drug gangs
Bush seeking money to promote abstinence
Christians arrested, persecuted in Saudi Arabia
Floyd Norris Krispy Kreme empire 'cannot make money'
Charles Krauthammer talks about fighting the good fight in Iraq
Jonah Goldberg shows that Conservatives don't always wear the black hat
David Limbaugh is intresting read about the labels used in the world of public policy
Sher Zieve talks about the baining of historal documents of importance just because it mechions GOD.
Mike Rosen is thankful for a stronger GOP Congress. and the leftys that gave it to them
Holiday Lyric Line
A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again
"It's Begining To Look Like Christimas" Best known recordings by Bing Crosby, Johnny Mathis, Dean Martin, and Perry Como
Got a news scoop, commentary left or right that should be on my blog. Want a Holiday Lyric Line highlighted (and I am looking for a few Chanukah songs other than Adam Sandler's famous one). E-mail them to me.
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