Evening News & Commentary
Jurors recommend death for Scott Peterson
Iraqi President Ghazi Yawar warns of a "Iraqi Hitler"
Johnny McCain has no confidence on Donald Rumsfeld
Do we care about Kerik's personal life??? I guess so.
Joseph Lieberman to be the next head of Homeland Security??? Lawmakers from both parties are backing him up.
Who does Bush pick to head the Health and Human Services???
A Bush spokesman says that our President has 'impoved' border security
Swift vets leader sees likely war with Iran
High court sides with cops Bad news for the bad guys
Will the Dems turn on each other just to win???
Howard "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Dean has his take on 'values'
Fritz Hollings: Dems Had 'Sweetheart' Segregation Deal
Lefty says that Rehnquist Resignation 'Imminent'
Did Oil-For-Food bankroll the Clinton Library???
Robert Flores talks about way to achieve lawful and safe ways for immigrants
Victor David Hanson talks about what could happned in Europe if the immigrants are not assimilated
Barbara Simpson has her piece on Scott Peterson and the media...by the way this was written before the jury made their desision.
Michael Moore is winning about being 'hit' by those who disagree with him. This from horse's mouth.
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