Thursday, December 09, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Shiites Announce Coalition of Candidates

Four Cabinet Secretaries Agree to Stay

9/11 Kin Praised for Getting Reform Passed

Donald Rumsfeld: Airing Concerns Was Healthy

Children can't listen to Christmas music in one school district. This is being done in the name of bus safety. PLEASE Get them out of the goverment school system.

Dickens classic too religious for school

High court tackles crucial Commandments case

Democrats Defend Corrupt U.N. Boss Kofi Annan

Soviet-Style Vote of Support for Kofi Annan??? Communism is alive and well, and we are only seeing the begining of its LAST RESORT!!!!

U.S. Upset That U.N. Welcomes Violators on 'Human Rights Commission'

Venezuelan Strongman Hugo Chavez Seizes Control of Media

Regressive talk radio network Air America Secures $13 Million and two of its talkers Al Franken and Randi Rhodes get new long term contracts


New and Improved racism. If your a Democrat you can get away with this. Ann Coulter tells all.

Larry Elder talks about the importance of WORK and brings up two well knowen lefties to back up his point. This is A MUST READ!!!!

Emmett Tyrrell shows how REgressive the so-called PROgressives can be

Joel Mowbray says the Oil for Food scandal will be Condi Rice's first test

Alan Reynolds avocates Social Securty reform but shows the Regressive's true colors when it comes to this.

Beyond wishful thinking about Islam: This by Marvin Olasky

Even if you tells people the risk they will sue anyway. Ben Shapiro talks about how Hardee's (part of the Carl's Jr. chain and their parent company CKE) might feel the sting of tort.

Cal Thomas advocates for the U.S. to get out of the UN RIGHT NOW!!!

Hal Lindsey says that there is nothing to save but an illusion when it comes to the UN

Linda Chavez says that Mary Frances Berry is finally out the door and exposes her love of Mao and Communist China

Henry Lamb warns that Kyoto could distory America

William Rusher has his take on Kyoto saying that the Enviors really hate American business

Charles Krauthammer talks about the civil war in Iraq...Yes their is a civil war of sorts in Iraq

My token lefty piece: This come from the little man called Robert Reich and how labor may object to the Central American Free Trade Agreement. By the way Reich supports CAFTA

Holiday Lyric Line

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share
"Christmas Time is Here" made famous by the Vince Guaraldi Trio and featured in the very first Peanuts TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas. Thanks to ABC we still get to see Peanuts on TV.

Got any News Links, Commentary pieces left or right, or Holiday Lyric Lines for my blog that is not being highlighted. Please send them to me via e-mail


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