Saturday, December 11, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Army Moving to Speed Up Armor Production

U.S. Soldier Sentenced in Iraq Killing

World Net Daily talks to Iddo Netanyahu for firsthand look at daring Entebbe raid

Muslims take hard look at Islam...At least some are going through a reformation of some kind

U.N. explores ways to fight 'Islamophobia.' I have to ask the UN, are you using Islam to forward your socialist causes??? I really think you are.

ATMs providing funds for Islamic militants

Analyst: Al-Qaida sea attack within 12 months?

Some classic stories from World Net Daily regarding the above story

Al-Qaida plans high-sea terror (Oct. 13, 2003)

Al-Qaida training manual shows seaports top target (Oct 30, 2003)

Back to the Present

Kerik Withdraws His Name for Top DHS Job

Bush Dubs Energy Pick a 'Problem Solver'

DaimlerChrysler Recalls 600,000 Vehicles

I don't have problems with Gays...I do have problems with the media obsession with "hate crimes" based on sexual orientation (murder of anyone is a HATE CRIME in itself), and I do have lots of problems with Katie Cookie-Cutter Couric.

French economic spies target U.S.

Southeast unprepared to teach Hispanics

Silent Night may get banned again

Bill Cosby Takes Message to San Francisco

It appears that racial profiling may not be enough. Miroljub Jevtic tells us about the White al-Qaeda at the Gates of the West.

David Limbaugh slams the left as THE JUDGEMENTAL ONES!!!

Henry Lamb envisions a United Nations without global-governance (i.e. world goverment) desires

Gunny Bob Newman takes on formor Denver Bronco turned columnist Reggie Rivers regarding statements he made calling our troops slaves and morons. You can read Reggie's pieces at but for now read what Newman has to say.

In this weeks "Black & Right" audio commentary. Bob Parks takes the left to task for forcing Political Correctness on most of us and exempting themselves from it. Mp3 software required. If you have Windows Media Player you can download it.

Brian Maloney warns us of the NEW Democratic Senate Minorty Leader Harry Reid and says he is more dangerous than Tom Daschle.

A law professor in Colorado express his feeling toward SUV owners who "support our troops." Let us hope that your not driving a SUV you moron.

Another lefty piece or rather a speech giving by Bill Moyers. He has accepted the Global Environment Citizen Award from Harvard Medical School. Moyers admits that he is a activist journalist.

Man how many pieces from the left do I need to post? When The Nation a well known lefty rag tips its hat to Moyers you got to do one more.

Holiday Lyric Line

Christmas future is far away
Christmas past is past
Christmas present is here today
Bringing joy that may last
In some versions of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" this line is used to open up the song.


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