Evening News & Commentary
Next week the Iraq war crime trials shall begin. By the way its been one year since Saddam was found and cuffed.
This link is the same story but the take is from CBS News.
U.S. Expands Cargo Flights Over Iraq
Central America Wants to Open Borders
Leak of Secret U.S. Spy Program to Be Investigated
Scott Peterson may never get the kiss of death...well at least when the Devil is ready to take him. Maybe St. Peter.
Justice Rehnquist further reduces workload
Robber Gets A Surprise From Potential Victim. Nice when the media reports on stories like this.
The GOP says that the Dems are trying to steal the Governship in Washington State. Meanwhile a county discovers MORE VOTES!!! King Country that is, and its a place that REgressives reside in.
However according to Newsmax Washington Supreme Court Rejects Democrat Election Thieves
School district backs down and will allow Christmas cards
MUST READ another E-Mail WORM is on the loose. Don't get humbuged
A black conservative group wants incoming senate minorty leader Harry Reid to apologize.
New Controversy for Kojo Annan
How about a Pro-Kyoto piece for a token lefty piece.? Nigel Purvis defends Kyoto
Jeffery Chester is going to miss Bill Moyers from what I get from this piece. He would like to see PBS as an outlet for Indy producers. Yea if your a far far lefty you do what to see that. Yet another token lefty piece.
No righty pieces tonight, but any commentary you want to see linked on the blog, plus news stories I overlooked sock'em to me via E-Mail
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