Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Evening News & Commentary

Attack on U.S. Base in Iraq Leaves 20 Dead

Bush's Tax Overhaul May Be Incremental

Bush Says Troops Were on Mission of Peace

Bush 'expects' soldiers to get what they need

White House Expects Probe of Iraq, Guantanamo Abuses

U.S. Study says Safe Drug Imports could Be Difficult

U.S. Protests Sale of YUKOS Unit

Kofi Annan is intending to stay put, in spite of the Oil-for-Food gate

Hundreds Gather to Mourn Slain Mother

Is the death of Yasser Arafat significant than Ronald Reagan??? Check out the AP rankings

Civil Libertarians says to Fight Big Brother ACLU

ACLU: No Fair Lying to Terrorists

DOJ sees the importence of the 2nd Amendment


Geoff Metcalf reminds us the GUNS are a INDIVIDUAL RIGHT!!! MUST READ!!!!

Kenneth Cain tells us why Kofi Anna should step down. Answer GENOCIDE!!!

Bruce Bartlett tells about the Early-Retiree Problem and how WE as Americans can't afford it.

Ralph Peters gives the other sides of the story regarding Iraq and Afaghanistan

Star Parker says its "Family Values" that will prevent AIDS and then some

"Handpicked Bush judge crosses line in overturning immigrant proposition." I linked this piece in my Morning News post this morning. I will post it again just to let you know that Phyllis Schlafly wrote this piece and not Doug Bandow. Townhall.com corrected this and so do I.

Attacking Christmas and Christians. The left and media are in bed on this or so says David Limbaugh

Christmas and the big commerical racket. Dennis Prager says its a good thing.

Holiday Lyric Line

Christmas is almost here and their are few songs I want to highlight before we put the music away for another year. So I will do this in evenings for the rest of the week. In fact my local station playing all Xmas will end the music at 7PM on Christmas Day and go right into their 70's music feature they do on Saturday nights (and at 12:00 p.m. for an hour during the weekdays) during their all year around format.

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never startand wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
"My Grownup Christmas List" which has joined the ranks of Holiday Standards and you can thank David Foster for this song. It's a song about adult who talks to Santa Claus about just having peace on Earth. Best known versions of this song were by Natalie Cole, Amy Grant, and Kelly Clarkson

Any news and commentary pieces not being highlighted??? E-mail me your links. Please send me direct links to pieces and not the main page of a website.


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