Barbara Streisand & Journalism
I don't waste my time with Barbara Streisand who like many entertainers can't or will not use the left side of their brain (the LOGIC side), but maybe I should. Newsmax's Left Coast Report does keep tabs on entertainment leftys quite a lot (They have to, it’s their job).
Last year or Last Month (December 10, 2004) this Witch decided to post her feelings about the news media on her "Statements" blog, which can be found at her official website. She said that the ideal of a "liberal media" is a myth. It should be stated right now that Barbs is a lefty and we all know that but think that her world view is truly a "mainstream" view or so she thinks.
She defended Dan Rather's report regarding George W. Bush's service in the national guard. No surprise their since she was supporting John Kerry in spite of him turning anti-war and at the same time the Vietcong was using his testimony to torture our own men.
Remember that Dems and leftys can never do wrong.
She mentions FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York POST which is part of the "strong conservative media" and how they share their "unwanted opinions." She then tips her hat (do you really wear a witch's hat Barbs???) to those respected "prestigious TV anchors." Among the list include Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Bill Moyers, Jim Lehrer who to quote the very bright Barbs; "carefully tow-the-line to present the news in a balanced manner. They are real journalists who objectively present the news in order to allow the audience to make up their own minds."
Really Barbs, you really believe that these guys are balanced. Again Barbs believes that her values and what public policy should be is MAINSTREAM thought, and those "prestigious anchors" have proven to people like me that they think the same way is barbs thought.
These real journalists are just as left wing as Barbara Streisand and they did a great job in shaping our country the way they see fit more/less.
Walter Cronkite a.k.a. Crankenhouse was very popular during his time in the anchor seat at CBS News. He along with most of the media convinced much of the public that the Vietnam War was a lost cause. They were successful in convincing the American people of such and eventually our troops pulled and after awhile the Vietcong won. To this day Vietnam is still living in a socialist paradise. Crankenhouse has been an advocate for a one world government as well. He really thinks the UN is great thing.
Bill Moyers, now let’s dig into him a bit. I came across a commentary piece by World Net Daily's Joseph Farah (November 15, 2002) in which he put Moyers on the spot especially when he did much of his work for the government subsidized Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Farah focused on several areas on a piece Moyers (aka his final comments on his NOW show) did regarding the 2002 elections.
Moyers: "Way back in the 1950s when I first tasted politics and journalism ..."
Farah translates: "In the 1950s, he first began injecting his own political biases into his journalism work. It wasn't long before he was actively campaigning for Democratic Party presidential candidates, getting appointments from those men once they were elected and jumping back and forth between government, politics and media as if there were no distinctions between them."
Let me cut in and remind all of you that it was Bill Moyers who created the ad that would give Lyndon B. Johnson the win over Barry Goldwater. The one that has the girl picking flowers (or maybe she is doing the 'He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not' thing). Meanwhile the soundtrack of the ad has a countdown before the bomb goes off and that dreaded cloud appears on your TV screen. Moyers did great job in getting LBJ elected.
His reward? The creation of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS, and eventually National Public can thank LBJ for government subsided media.
Moyers: "... Republicans briefly controlled the White House and Congress. With the exception of Joseph McCarthy and his vicious ilk, they were a reasonable lot, presided over by that giant war hero, Dwight Eisenhower, who was conservative by temperament and moderate in the use of power."
Farah: "I hate Joseph McCarthy because he was a determined anti-communist. I like Commies. Some of my best friends are Commies. Some people might even think I'm a Commie. Ike was OK because he was a doddering old fool as president and my friends could easily manipulate him. But that McCarthy! He was mean."
Moyers: "That brand of Republican is gone. And for the first time in the memory of anyone alive, the entire federal government – the Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary – is united behind a right-wing agenda for which George W. Bush believes he now has a mandate."
Farah comments: Isn't this rich? The U.S. Supreme Court, as currently constituted, according to Moyers, is part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy. The last time I counted the heads on that court, there were three conservatives out of nine. George Bush is a right-winger? The Congress? For the life of me, I can't name even one right-wing vote in the U.S. Senate – not one.
Moyers says that one of those mandates is; "using the taxing power to transfer wealth from working people to the rich."
Farah fires back and says; "Do you recognize what Moyers is trying to do? He knows it is immoral for the state to use force to steal from one person to benefit another. But he knows this is an absolute imperative to his ideology. So, what does he do? He accuses right-wingers of doing exactly what he and his socialist friends do – forcible redistribution of property. Amazing!"
Before Bill Moyers retired, he took a crack at the right wing media on his PBS show NOW. Rather than tell what he said I shall let me speak for himself.
"I'm going out telling the story that I think is the biggest story of our time: how the right-wing media has [sic] become a partisan propaganda arm of the Republican National Committee." We have an ideological press that's interested in the election of Republicans, and a mainstream press that's interested in the bottom line. Therefore, we don't have a vigilant, independent press whose interest is the American people."
Come on Bill, you still have PBS, NPR, and left wing rags like The Nation, The Progressive, Mother Jones, etc etc etc. Does Progressive Talk Radio count??? For leftys it only thing that will make then happy is that ONLY THEIR VOICE is heard. No one else can rebuke them.
Dan Rather I will not go into, but Jimmy boy I shall go after. Jimmy tried to set up Bush with a trick question in the first debate regarding the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and I heard Michael Savage tear into him big time.
Well that is what I have to say about lets move on, and keep up the fight against these losers in the media business...including Barbs.
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