Sunday, January 23, 2005

My comments on Michael Powell and the FCC

Michael Powell has officially stepped down from the Federal Communications Commission, and the leftys could not be any happier.

You see the left still has this ideal that the broadcasting business should not be run as a “real business.” Rather they would feel better if it went back to good ole days when they were more owners, more localism (or so they say), and out of the hands of Wall Street and in the hands of the “people.”

Reality Check: What the government really wants is control of the broadcasting airwaves, and clam that they are doing this for the “people” since it’s THEIR airwaves…NOT!!!

Powell is best known for attempting to loosing up the FCC rules in which would allow a broadcast owner to own a few more TV stations in a given market although their would still be national cap but that cap would allow a company to own more stations. It would also have allowed a company to own a newspaper in markets in which they have broadcasting interests. There are some already but they got an exemption after such a law was created and passed.

All of this does not matter since the courts shot this down, and don’t know jack about the free market. These judges know a lot making a law and claming that the U.S. Constitution evolves over the years.

The left talks about promoting diversity and competition by forcing companies to play on an equal playing field, but in reality they (along with religious and social conservatives) want to control the airwaves and dictate what goes on the airwaves.

There should be an FCC, but only to protect the licensed stations from being infringed upon on. Powell understood the concept of the free market, and one can hope that the FCC continues to have such an understanding of the free market more/less.

Poor Bill Clinton, the GOP forced his hand when he signed that dreaded Telecomm Bill…probably hoping that the free market would get rid of Rush Limbaugh and righty talk radio. Sorry Billy.


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