Sunday, January 16, 2005

When Parents Protest the Wrong Books

A few weeks ago, the News-Leader in Springfield, Missouri; reported on a group of parents who were protesting a book because they claimed it contained certain elements that were negative.

The book is called "The Giver" written by Lois Lowry and because I read this book and remember most of it, I can tell it’s a 1984/Brave New World type of story that is for the middle school crowd.

The Giver takes place in a utopian future in which its people are controlled big time. In fact when its children turn 12 (in fact they are all born on the same month and day) they are given a certain task in which they will have to labor in for the rest of their lives. They do not know about the past and how things were back in days before they ever existed. "The Giver" is a person that does know about what happened prior to this "utopia" and has the power to give this knowledge to a "chosen" person.

This chosen person is a boy by the name of Jonas who is shocked to receive this honor. Jonas has been considered to be the next "Giver" but to become that he has to receive the memories that the current Giver holds.

The Giver has special powers that enable him to pass on what he knows to Jonas, so he can do more than just talk about it but Show It. What Jonas sees is what life is like beyond his community and he also sees many of the dark secrets that the community holds. Eventually Jonas begins to question this utopia that he lives in and eventually renounces it, and quietly leaves the community with the Giver's approval.

The parents throwing a fit over this book however still see the book in a negative light. There problems with the book is certain content elements of the book containing violence, sexuality (It is not provocative), and the issues of euthanasia and infanticide. In the book if the society deems certain people unwanted they are "released" a.k.a killed behind closed doors. It has been chosen by certain people by their own request as well.

The way I see it "The Giver" gives parents (especially those who believe in libertarian thought and limited government) a great way to show children the dangers of what a socialist society could become if we as a people allow it to happen. It also shows that Jonas becoming an individual and he will no longer will do what the collective does in that perfect world. He has to leave it all behind.

Regardless of where Lowry stands politically this is a great book that is for middle school aged children. Look at some of the movies that are targeting this group like Spider-Man or Lord of the Rings. If you don't see a problem with those movies than why throw a fit over a book like The Giver?

These kids are about to come face to face with this Dog Eat Dog world, and we need to help them get ready for what they will face, and it’s not going to be pretty.

Rather than complain about "The Giver." Why don't you use this book to help our children learn about the greatness of our American Government compared to this perfect society in The Giver?

You parents truly can be "Givers" to our own children. You may not have supernatural powers but you have the knowledge of what our founders wanted America to be that you can pass on to your children. As the old saying goes knowledge IS power.

Hopefully your children will make the same choice Jonas did.

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