Friday, January 21, 2005

Yesterday's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I attempted to post these yesterday BUT Blogger DOWN AGAIN!!!

Carey Roberts has a great read regarding the Feminist Utopia and how it will be a Social Nightmare...Never Mind the Nightmare has begun.

Bob Parks has some random thoughts in his piece "The Tsunami of Bad Cells."

Pete Jensen has his take on Lawrence Summers foot in mouth regarding Men and Women

Joe Mariani talks about the witch hunts on Captiol Hill. Don't forget that Boxer wants to score big with far leftys in the Democratic Party.

Al Jazeera supports the Islamo Fascists, now how about out side??? Cliff May says its time for us in the free world to seriously get into the fight of the war of ideas.

The first of three pieces regarding Social Securty and their are in Right Field (token lefty piece will be on something else). Larry Elder tells us that SS has strayed away for the intent of FDR and shows that 3.3 % of the workers today support each retire. NOT GOOD!!!

George Will says that reforming SS is good because its about promoting Freedom. Regardless if their is a criss in SS.

The third SS piece comes from Thomas Sowell, reminds us that the Dems want SS they way it is becuase that will be the only way the Dems stay in power, and depended on Government.

Emmett Tyrell talks how the Progressives of the 60's try to distory the 1st Amedment in the 21st Century. Good News NUMBER ONE FIGHTS BACK!!!

Ben Shapiro tells us why Hollywood hates suburbia (ala Desperate Housewives). It is not really about the Leave It To Beaver, Donna Reed, Ozzie & Harriet Nelson, or the whole 1950's paradise. It goes much deeper than that, and for that reason this is a MUST READ!!!

I did not watch the Inauguration and neither did Joseph Farah and he is worried about our borders.

Two Token Lefty Pieces: First from Robert Kuttner who says that a winning issue for the Dems is the "Minimum Wage"

Elisa Salasin has an open letter to Jenna Bush

BONUS LEFTY PIECE: David Orr says the GOP will die someday

See people I am fair and balanced...Sure I lean to right cause I am right of center :) If their is piece missing here and you think I will link it. Take a chance and E-Mail me the link.

Oh and I will go out with ONE MORE LINK!!! The Right Wing Babe Ann Coulter has this say about today and days like this in the past. If you don't know what I am talking about then YOU DON'T KNOW JACK!!!


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