FOX Caves in to the CAIR
Allthough it is unlikely that FOX will edit the show 24...I hope not, but CAIR is doing it again. I shall let Neal Boortz explain.
There is a show on the Fox television network called '24.' The show is based on 24 hours of a crisis at a counter-terrorism unit. The same story line runs for an entire season. This past week was the debut of season number four.
This year's story revolves around a terrorist sleeper cell that is planning an attack on America. As part of their planning, they kidnap the secretary of defense and plan to take over the Internet. The terrorists and the kidnappers on the show are Muslims...essentially portrayed as Al-Qaeda agents. Sort of a 'ripped from the headlines' thing.
So what's the problem? The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) complained that the show was promoting Islamic stereotypes. They're upset that Muslims are always portrayed on TV as Islamic terrorists. (Nor true. Sometimes they're portrayed as the owners of cheap motels.)
Sadly, the Fox network has caved on this one. Fox is going to provide stations with public service announcements (produced by CAIR) that portray Muslims in a positive light (for example, not hijacking airplanes, not cutting people's heads off, and changing sheets in their motels.) I guess they'll show Islamic terrorists blowing bubbles and helping little old ladies cross the street.
By the way, CAIR itself has ties to Islamic terror organizations such as Hamas. They try and portray themselves as some sort of Islamic civil rights organization, but all they're really interested in doing is trying to make sure the peaceful religion of Islam doesn't take any PR hits. Their point is that not all Muslims are terrorists.
They're right. Not all Muslims are terrorists. However, for the last several years, it seems that all terrorists are Muslims. That's not a stereotype, that's called a description of a suspect.
I have had with this group. Reread his second to last statement. CAIR itself has ties to Islamic terror organizations. What if there is a sleep cell out their, that has brought their family here as a cover? What if certain people die because they learned too much of a plan to kill even more people and what if there is a plan of another terrorist attack here in our country?
Granted 24 is a work of fiction, but the fact is that we are at war with Muslim Extremists. This religion called Islam needs a reformation, and if you say it’s impossible, just look at the Judeo-Christian beliefs. If you took their teachings literally, we would all be guilty of sin and needed to die. That and the Catholic Church going too far causing Martin Luther to rebel.
The religion of Islam can make a fresh start, and they can start today. First thing you need to do is the renounce the terror groups. If CAIR can do this, it would be a step in the right direction. We are in a holy war like it or not people, and this is a holy war that America needs to win for the sake of freedom and liberty.
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