Sunday, January 23, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Say Goodbye to Johnny Carson,1002,271931241,00.html

Hopefuly FOX will give up on creating rotton reality shows, and American Idol is not on that list...still I don't care for AI. Brent Bozell talks about the worst of them all and its not the Mutil-Millionare or Married By America shows.

George Will talks about who might be the next head of the DNC.

Rich Tucker says the BAF (read his piece to find out what that means) like the America First people of the 1940's are on the wrong side of history.

Edwin Feulner reminds that the government is spending more in Social Securty that it is taking in. Looks like we have to raise taxes since the REgressives will do nothing about this.

Bush should not have his party but the leftys in Hollywood can??? You Bet, Debra Saunders talks about it and more regarding certain leftys.

Larry Kudlow talks about Bush's speech and feels it falls short

Linda McQuaig warns the Great White North not to follow the Bush Bandwagon. Yep go towards the left.

The Hidden Passages in Bush's Inaugural Address. Another token lefty pi3ce by Matthew Rothchild

BONUS:Token Lefty Piece from Howard Zinn who says the best way to support our troops is to bring them home.

If their is a piece you want to see highlighted E-Mail me the link. If I like it, it shall be linked here. Also feel free to make comments about MY comments on the blog.


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