Friday, February 11, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I do much better at blogging than trying to film a commerical, with a lot of F/X. Sucks to be The Donald. Or is that the kiddys who want to work for him.

Accually Donald is my full name, but I like being called Don. Long before Trump, rotton kids called me The Duck.

Anyway like The Duck, I do get ticked off an certain things like Ward Churchill and speaking of which this is the first link tonight.

Ward Churchill's Military Claims Proven False. Gunny Bob Newman reports

Arrogant censorship in High School...David Limbaugh explains

A tenuous truce begins in the middle east between Palestinian and Israel. Charles Krauthammer explains

Joseph Farah says that Bush is demanding that Isreal kill themselves???

Why is going to college is so high when it comes to the money??? Jeff Jacoby says it is because of the Government's do goodism of granting money to those who want to learn in higher education.

Oliver North has his say on Easton Jordan of CNN and his big fat mouth.

Hugh Hewitt gives the blogger a pat on the back for putting Jordan on the hot seat...and prove that we bloggers are a grave danger to CBSABCNYTPBSNPRCNNMSNBCETC.

Could Iran be the next Nicaragua? Mona Charen talks about it.

Another good reason to repeal the 17th Amedment and take away the direct vote of the people(direct vote of the people is a bad thing people). How about Mexicans that want to the white man to leave Cally. Devvy Kidd explains.

Bob Parks talks about the Dems worries regarding Social Securty reform in his audio commentary. He Tells of "their" dirty secret of where our leaders stick the money THEY GET!!! MP3 Software Required.

Token Lefty Tonight is John Nichols of the lefty rag "The Nation." He talks about some of these great "Progressive Cites."

If their is a piece you would like to see on the blog. E-Mail me the links


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