Sunday, February 13, 2005

Would Ward Churchill be off the hook if it were not for Talk Radio and Bloggers???

This is just my take on this, but I say yes. Ward Churchill would not be in trouble the way he is now.

No one would question if Churchill was really an Indian...excuse me a Native America. Feel better all you brainwashed idiots?

Nor would this Churchill story be sure a "burn out" to all of us, including those who broke it and followed it.

This Churchill flap is proving all along how lefty professors in higher learning (and even teachers at the elementary and secondary levels) use their positions to convert students into their socialist ways. It also gives a black eye to colleges and universities that receive tax dollars/government money, proving once again that the left really enjoys spending other peoples money and spiting in their face when it comes to values that the working stiff have...unless those working stiff truly believe that the leftys have the best interest at heart as lefty radio talker Ed Schultz claims they do.

If CU-Boulder keeps Churchill, then it shows in spite of what has happened that CU has an agenda that is not productive and rightys will call for the defunding of CU and make it go private. However CU will have to face the wrath of Churchill if he gets the shaft, but it would show to the rest of us that "academic freedom" does have limits for those that CU would be in agreement with him.

The real losers in this flap are public funded colleges and universites.

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