Saturday, March 26, 2005

Countdown to Terri's Death: Part 3

Once again the courts have not helped Bob and Mary Schindler and now they will back down, and hope that Jeb Bush will be their shining knight to save Terri from her fate.

The Schindlers now have to face facts that Jeb will likely NOT come to their aid.

This issue has truly forced both the left and right to show their colors with a few decenters in both camps. Ralph Nader who is best known as a "consumer advocate" but his ideals usally side with socialism says that Terri should be allowed to live.

Meanwhile those who lean the right on libertarian grounds such as Neal Boortz, Mike Rosen, Jon Caldara, and Les Kinsloving says that we should let her go. Pieces from Boortz and Kinsloving have been linked on this blog, and can be found in my previous posts.

Also the USA Today (yes they are liberal) apparently found documents that show that the money was talking all this time for both the Schindlers and Michael Schiavo

If Jeb does come though or if Terri does pass on, I will something to say about it. Until then I will not speak about it no more on my blog (or at least try). It's is a crying shame that Terri Schiavo was halled into the modern Roman Coliseum for all of us to see.

In the meantime E-Mail me at if you want to say something about this.

I may use some of your comments. I will withold your last names, but please let me know if I can use your comments or not


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