Does Gunny Bob Newman have the Proof that Michael Schiavo is an SOB???
Tonight on Gunny Bob's talk show on KOA-AM Denver, it appears that Gunny Bob may have the dirt to put Michael Schiavo on the defense. Keep in mind that Gunny sided with Michael before changing his mind after doing his research.
I trust Gunny Bob on many issues. He is a conservtitve but fair, and uses his brains than most talk shows hosts left and right. Unlike Sean Hannity and most Catholics, he will not drop you like a rock just becuase your on the "wrong side" of the issues. Just don't act like a jerk when you call his show, or he may drop you their.
He has reported that the neurologist which was hand picked by Michael is a member of the Hemlock Society which is a right to die group. His name by the way is Dr. Ronald Cranford
Terri's parents had Dr. William Hammesfahr, M.D. and he says that she is not brain dead.
Could Gunny Bob save Teri??? It is unlikely that will happen. Our highest court will turn it down once again.
Now of Terri's parents can just distance themselves from that jerk Randall Terry. No I will not change my mind on abortion or the right to die for OTHER PEOPLE!!!
Get your living will people.
Terri's Case will be remembered for a long time to come.
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