Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Glad to know someone on the right agrees with me, Mike Rosen, and Neal Boortz regarding Terri. His name is Larry Elder. Rest In Peace Terri
AARP vs. Reform. Ak'Bar Shabazz talks about it.
Liberal Bias and the Class Room. Cal Thomas has something to say about it.
Thomas also talks about the passing of Terri or St. Theresa Schiavo
Another Thomas last name Sowell sets the record straight when it comes to "trickle down" economics
George Will lets us know about someone in the congress who has a bill to usher in the Fair Tax and rid of the IRS...Don't forget to repeal the 14th Amendement.
The battle is on for our courts and we know that the Dems want to keep their people in control. William Rusher talks about it.
Are the Courts the new God??? Ann Coulter thinks so and I still I am not on her side regarding Terri.
Rev. Jackson's stand for Terri does not impress me nor does it impress Rev. Peterson
Hal Lindsey meanwhile is not impressed with Kofi Annan and sadly this SOB is likely going to get Vindicated.
Bridget Johnson talks about Hollywood and their love of the Commies, especilay Che Guevara. Guevara was the right hand man for Fidel Castro.
CAIR is making me mad again. They have gone after National Review. I have NO PROBLEMS WITH LEVEL HEADED MUSLIMS that live and let live. I am worried that CAIR will "Live and Let DIE!!!"
Token Lefty is Jim Spencer in this is all about blut leftys that get kicked out of town hall meetings of President W. Bush. The Denver 3 and the Fargo 42 (also that is where number one lefty talker Ed Schultz does his talk show). Just wait when the Dems get the White House and they will kick out blut rightys, but that will be OK.,10023,36~27772~,00.html
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I will talk about Terri's passing soon
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