The Ballad of Marty Minto (formor WORD-FM/Pittsburgh talk show host)
You may have heard this in the news but in case you have not, a talk show host who did a program for Christian Talk station WORD-FM out of Pittsburgh recently got the shaft. His name is Marty Minto and yes my friends he is a pastor
Why did he get the shaft???
Well it appears that the station manager feels that he was being too real. Someone called up the radio station and asked if Pope John Paul II is in heaven. Pastor Minto give an honest answer and did not say that Pope was in heaven or not in heaven (i.e. Hell). All he said that you had to be "born again" to get into heaven.
In short Minto did not judge one way or another regarding the Pope's eternal resting place, but left that to his God. Some people include the manager of WORD-FM did not like what he said and now Minto does not have a mic for the time being. Maybe he should try secular talk radio in the future, allthough Michael Savage clams that is format is creating smoke screens as well.
What should have Minto said??? Yes the Pope is in heaven because he done a lot of great things and take that on faith. Maybe if he did he would still have his job.
Brannon S. Howse worte a piece which has been posted at World Net Daily regarding this and says this is nothing buy a sign on how Christian personalities are born again be default. He did not say that, but that's how I saw his piece.
As for WORD-FM the manger can do what he like, and if the parent company approves than so be it. After all it is their station and they can do what they like with it.
Here is a thought that Howse did not come up with. What if this has to do more with earthly politics rather than "Christian-Happy Talk?" After all the Catholics and the Protestants did come together in their attempt to save Terri Schiavo. It is not the first time and it will not be the last time. Protestant leaders like James Dobson, and D. James Kennedy have made alliances with Cathloics leaders in their attempt to foward their Social Conservative platforms. If I am not mistaken Phyllis Schlafly is a Catholic herself but don't quote me their. What I can tell you is that Schlafly is the Mother of today's Social Conservative movement or as they like to call themselves the "Pro-Family" movment.
One thing that Schlafly did in her attempt to derail the national Equal Rights Amedment (and it was a bad thing) was to use church going people, regardless of the ways they worshiped or how the methods differed. She knew that these people held on to certain beliefs and would never likley change those beliefs. These people were key into "Stopping ERA." Later on Jerry Fallwell, and James Dobson would gain followers and join in the fight as well.
I should tell you right now that I used to be a Social Conservative. I am no longer such. On many issues regarding limited government, individual Freedom, and individual liberty I would be an agreement with them. Next time Schlafly does a piece education issues especially when it comes to the goverment ran schools in our country, you better you bet she will be one of my “recommended readings."
The one thing I have problems with "people of faith" is that they have a tendency to try to enact laws that have more to do with their faith than how it will benefit this nation. We are not talking about laws making murder illegal here. What I am talking about is banning profane language not only on "broadcast media" but even cable TV and satellite Radio!!! Broadcast airwaves I can see why (I don't nesscary support it personaly) but services that you have to pay for? Yep its all about family values...right? How about calling it what it really is? Your "religious values" which you are forcing upon others.
It does not stop their, they would likely force stories to close on Sunday, and force women to become mothers (i.e. making abortion illegal) when they are not ready to take on such a role. Yes I do support adoption, but still I believe that the woman has the right and that right alone to decide to let that unborn child live...or not. You will never ever stop abortion especially in the first trimester.
That's the way I see it regarding why a Pastor lost his talk show. It was not about who goes into heaven or not. Its about an earthly kingdom that the Dobson's, Kennedy's, Robertson's, Fallwell's, Schlafly's etc etc dream about. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that Christians should stay out of politics, but at same time they need to understand what our government is really about, and how organzied religion has not helped anyone when it becomes an official religion of the state.
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