Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Walter Williams contuines to talk about airport security and the TSA being dumb. They profile everyone but the ones that are likely might to try to kills us.

I thought I never hear from the Heinz Lady again...Sadly we do and she is pan handling to those leftys still. Michelle Malkin talks about it.

Burt Prelutsky talks about his favorates on radio and cable talk

Hate & Violence. Is this the liberal way??? Gunny Bob Newman says these days, the answer is YES!!!

Conservative professors an endangered species??? No doubt about it and one young mexican at my old school is trying to get rid of one...If this stories still goes on I hope to talk about it. I the meantime read this piece Daniel Pipes

John Stossel from the 20/20 TV newsmagzine on ABC says he has been getting nasty E-Mail regarding his stance on the enviroment. If you now Stossel he goes after big government instead of big business and most of his pals at ABC News don't like that. Anyway Stossel talks about Michael Crichton book that has the envio's on the run and who is REALLY behind the nasty E-Mails that Stossel got.

Brent Bozell once again puts the media on the spot. This time he goes after NBC regarding their love for Jimmy Carter (who loves commies and never hated one of them), and their hate for George W. Bush (sorry that Kerry lost...NOT!!!)

Two piece now regarding Tom DeLay. The first is from Linda Chavez in which she talks about that media that wants to feather and tar DeLay.

Tony Blankley warns not to dump DeLay or a heavy price may have to be paid for the GOP

Gary Aldrich warns all of us to make Sure that Hillary does not become the first woman Prez, unless you want someone that will ban guns and socialize our health care system.

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