Weekend Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Could Hillary Clinton play a strong role in Dems war on Tom DeLay??? World Net Daily reports on it, and shows that Hillary wants to make sure the Dems reclaims the Congress just in time for her to claim the White House.
Illegal gets murder chargefor killing 19-month-old
Ben Stein (Yes that Ben Stein of the Clear Eyes commericals and the game show were you try to win his money) shows us why the Dems want to rid the congress of DeLay.
Kyle Williams says the GOP is going int blind loyalty when it comes to DeLay
Henry Lamb gives us a crash cource on government land ownership...Once again another MUST READ from Lamb.
Devvy Kidd shows us were that good ole tax money goes and is leary of ANY kind of tax reform include the Sales/Fair tax
How will your federal taxes be spent??? Brian Riedl will show were the bulk of it will go...MUST READ!!!
Bolton, the Dems, and UN. Will Malven explians who the later has become a religion and how the Dems worship it.
Mike Rosen takes on the Regents of CU-Boulder in this week piece
Michael Berliner warns of the real goals of the eniviormental movement and believe me the human race will suffer if these goals are met.
Bob Parks has issues with the popular TV show American Idol. He shares those issues in his audio commentary this week. As for me I shall stick with Amazing Race and The Donald (Trump that is).
E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net
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