Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Thomas Sowell looks at the enviormental movement in Cally and their attempts to stonewall development.

Bill Murchison presents a toast to the French. At least they gave the EU a setback.

Life of those on our college campus's. Mike S. Adams they are out of touch with reality

Ideology and partisanship aren't soulmates. Very True and Bruce Bartlett shows us how allowing U.S. Senate voted in by popular vote (17th Amendement) has hurt our federal government

Chinese spooks: A growing Red menace. Peter Brookes has a MUST READ!!!

Problem Kids??? Never mind the kids, how about the parents??? Bob Parks has a great piece that a very good reading, that shows the hell that School Bus Drivers go through with these problem kids and the parents don't renforce the displine that these drivers enforce.

Limousine Liberals. Ed Schultz would have you believe that they vote for the Dems becuase they know that might have been poor and want to be see as such nice people. Will Malven says the Limo Leftys are nothing but Hypocrites. While we hard working people work for the governments programs they live a big houses and then some.

Mychal Massie tells conservtive Republicans to leave the RINO (Republicans In Name Only) behind, but stay in the party.

Take out Iran before they attack America??? Joseph Farah says YES!!! This is a MUST READ!!!

Tonights Token Leftys

Heard about ten reasons why not to kill Bush piece???? Well here it is from Jennifer McBride of the University of Oregon.

Who is worse???? Saudi Arabia/Middle East or Venezuela??? Anyway Jeff Cohen the lefty version of Brent Bozell (I do link piece frmo Bozell from time to time) wants to you to buy your gas from Citco (part of 7-Eleven) so that you can support Venezuela and Hugo Chavez.

Terence Samuel says the filibuster deal will not last long

You heard about the death of former NFL player Pat Tillman while serving our country, and it seems our milltary covered up the way he died. Far Lefty Robert Scheer is ready, willing, and able to talk about this.

E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net


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