Saturday, June 11, 2005

Thoughts on 'Deep Throat' and Howard 'Scream' Dean

Well the 'Deep Throat' stories are not quite tapering off just yet, but it seems that this is how Newsweek and its parent newspaper the Washington Post is going to redeem themselves as creditable sources after the Korea flushing ordeal.

DT's real name is W. Mark Felt and now we know why Felt went to Bob Woodward, and that reason was poor pitful Felt did not become the head of the FBI. Felt was way tooooo close to Hoover.

Now L. Patrick Gray; that was a man who was close to Nixon and thus the old rule; "It’s not WHAT you know but WHO YOU KNOW." Felt was deemed a hero by the news media who did the right thing and outed a president who was doing 'bad things.'

To be a whistleblower during the Clinton years was a totally different story. There were bad things happening during those years, and we know that Clinton lied UNDER OATH!!!! It does not matter that he had sex with someone other than Hillary, but lying about that is another matter. However no matter who tired to take out Clinton he was able to serve his two terms and bow out gracefully more/less.

It seems that with the Democrats, they usually (if not always) get a pass from our mainstream media, and anyone that is a Republican and/or believes in what the founders envisioned for a nation...they are just crazy, extreme, nuts, and just not with the modern times.

The real reason why the news media wanted Richard Nixon out of office was for one reason and only ONE Reason. Vietnam.

Long before we knew Felt was DT, we knew now and should have known then that the media had sided with the Vietcong in the Vietnam War. Walter Cronkite who was the anchor for the CBS Evening News said; “that the bloody experience of Vietnam is a stalemate,” and the war was "unwinnable." Thus Cronkite who was "The Most Trusted Man in America" at the time called for America to withdraw from the war. Uncle Walt was able to turn middle America to his way of thinking.

Click here to find out about the REAL Walter Cronkite

However Nixon wanted to continue to fight the communists in Vietnam, and the news media which has not been supportive of the war along with the Democrats needed to find a way to bring Nixon down.

Enter Felt aka DT.

With the burglary of the Democratic Headquarters in the Watergate complex the media found a way to stick it to Nixon. Felt was the one who spoke of 'wrong doing' in the Nixon Administration to Bob Woodward, and night after night the national evening newscasts (especially Cronkite) kept hammering on Watergate. Nixon was drummed out of office because of the media's obsession with Watergate. Eventually we would pulled out of Vietnam and soon after that the communists in Vietnam won; just as the media hoped would happen.

Now we know that the media is an unofficial arm of the Democratic Party and that Uncle Walt is an advocate of one world government via the United Nations. It also has been proven that national media shows too much love for communist leaders (along with other dictators of the world) and the dream of a socialist government in America...and the whole world.

Speaking of the Democratic Party, it seems that there are some leftys who are starting to turn on Howard "The Scream" Dean. On several Conservative radio talk shows they aired clips in which Dean said that the Republicans were not an 'inclusive party' and its a party of Right Wing Christian Males and/or something along those lines. This is just the tip of the iceberg but it shows that the Democrats and Dean are once again preying on the minorities like they always have when they need to buy votes and get elected.

Some Dems however see Dean as a loose cannon. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has denounced Dean regarding the way he used religion to divide people. I caught a little bit of Jay Marvin who does a local progressive radio talk program out of the Boulder-Denver area this week and heard a caller that was upset and concerned (by the way she is a public school teacher and a Teacher Union lackey no doubt) that the new King of Progressive Talk Ed Schultz (based out of Fargo, North Dakota) was critical of Dean's remarks so much that the caller feared that he might be becoming a right winger again.

I can tell you; as long as Schultz is married to his socialist wife Wendy (who Schultz talks so much on the air as well as converting him to the dark side) that will not happen. Maybe he will still be a lefty if he end his marriage to Wendy who knows, but Wendy and Ed are proud to be part of the Sith of 'Progressive Talk Radio.'

Schultz is still a kiss @$$ Democrat who allows the Democrat brethren (and sisters) to come on his show and speak on behalf of their propaganda, which most of the time embraces socialism. If Schultz has issues with Dean it is because he is a loose cannon. The far left truly loves Dean because he is blunt and supports their socialist causes. The problem is that it shows the extreme wing in the Democrat fold, and if people see that it may hurt the Democrats and that could cost them votes in positions of power.

If you have been following Hillary Clinton; you have noticed she is going towards the center. Now anyone that uses their brain can see what Hillary is doing. She is going stealth like she has many times before. Hillary is woman that plays to win, and to that she must convince average Joe and Jane out there who have no loyalty to either the GOP or the Dems that she deserves to be President. This goes for anyone else too regardless of party affliation.

Anyway I hope they let Dean run the pony show for the Democratic Party awhile longer. It helps somewhat with my cause to show that Dems for the Socialists they are.

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5:34 AM

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6:19 AM


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