Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I saw the final Star Wars movie today. I talk about it and the state of our nation following these readings.

Many of our Police Departments must be equal employers and that might not help us. Just as the Milltary our Police must pick the right people mostly strong men. Walter Williams shows how PCism is not a good thing.

Oh how the media operates. Great piece from Brent Bozell

Media loves "Deep Throat," The Gulag, and Bush Vs. Clinton face off in 2008. Its today Cyberalerts from the Media Research Center.

The European Disease in America, Government going after political websites & radio talk shows, and the American Family Assocation boycotting Ford Motor Company. All this and more from Neal Boortz.

Michelle Malkin presents the truth of what happened at Guantanamo Bay. MUST READ cause the mainliners will never tell you.

Two Muslims group had an anti-terriorism rally in DC. Did the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) join in??? I think we know the answer. Its a big fat NO!!! More from Joel Mowbray.

Last week Linda Chavez felt the Senate Compromise was a good thing. One week later she sees the light regarding the John Bolton angled and now has changed her tune. The Dems don't want him at the UN.

David Limbaugh reminds us that the Dems DO HAVE principles. It just not good principles

The Food and Drug Administration does a good job protecting us from bad things, but can the FDA take things too far??? John Stossel looks into the what the FDA does.

Here are some EU pieces regarding France...Stay tuned for some Danish ones coming soon

Tony Blankley

Terence Jeffrey

Cal Thomas

Dave Zweifel is tonights token lefty. See the issues within corporations and see a chance to promote single payer health care. Can you say Socialized Medicne???

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