Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Thoughts on 'The Sith' and where America is going

Well I finally went to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and may its was a great movie, and connects the ever famous Episode IV, V, and VI movies.

A few weeks ago, USA Today published a story in which certain leftys who saw this movie really read a lot into this movie in which compared the rise of the Sith (Palpatine & Anakin) to the current Bush administration. The ever famous line used in Sith is 'you are with me or against me.' I think Bush said if I am not mistaken is 'you are with us or with the terrorists.'

While their might be a 'crack' at those who believe in absolutes, meaning (according to the leftys) the rightys are really the sith and leftys are good hearted jedi, and let us not forget that the Christian Right too as part of that dreaded sith. Well I have issues with the Christian Right but I think they hardly qualify as being part of the sith.

Their are elements in this movie in which I can apply for myself and my ideals. During Anakin's inner struggle Palpatine tells Anakin he needs to be more open minded to the ideals of the Sith and tells Anakin that things are not what the seem. Meaning that the Jedi could be the bad guys, and the Sith... well they were missunderstood. In public policy we as a people are eternally trying to find out what the truth is. Being open minded is one thing but finding out the truth is another.

Here in America we are trying to find out what is the truth from our political leaders, and granted both the Republicans and Democrats do mislead people, and sadly that is part of the job. If Bush is Palpatine, then is Hillary Clinton the 'chosen one' to usher in balance to our troubled nation???

However here is something to think about. What if Hillary declares herself Empress? Will the leftys of the world rise up and call a spade a spade, or in their blind love for this woman will an Earth Based Empire rise. Its a stretch but I hope you see the point. If Hillary did delcare herself Empress, I would be saying to myself; "So this is how a Republic dies."

Bush is bad because he is a Republican and supports greedy corporations, and Hillary and her Democrat Jedi Knights are the ones fighting for that little guy and putting those greedy rich people in their places.

I would hardly call the Republicans Jedi Knights. I think people like myself, Neal Boortz. Larry Elder, and other liked minded people (yes the REAL libertarians and NOT the CVIL kind who I say are part of the dark side) would quallfy for the role of Jedi Knights than most in the GOP. At least we do to the best of our abilities supporting what our founding fathers intended for this nation.

The Democrats have been truly seduced by the dark side of the Force and I can tell you, if their is a real life Sith, they are truly indeed a part of the Democrat Party. They want to enslave, and control everyday Americans like you and me, and they will use the Dark Side of the Force. The United States may not be enough for these Sith...United Nations anyone??? Yep they want to rule the world. The dreams of Marx, Lennin, Stalin, Khrushchev would finaly come true. A world ruled under communism.

George Lucas is a lefty no doubt about it, but the statements in 'Sith' leaves a little breathing room to interpret the way you want to see this movie. Hope you enjoyed my interpretation of movie.

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