Weekend Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
With our highest court handing down a desision regarding medical marijuana. Paul Jacob asks who is for limited government and see a light of hope with recently confirmed D.C. Circuit Court Judge Janice Rodgers Brown
Les Kinsolving points out the double standard when it comes to the way "Deep Throat' (Nixon) and Linda Tripp (Clinton) were treated.
The Old Gray Lady takes Chris Cox to task, and even if he does and or does not read Ayn Rand she was great advocate of the Free Market. George Will comes to Cox's aid and says the Gray Lady is wrong again.
It seems that this Florida 2000 thing will never go away regarding how Bush "stole" the election. Rich Tucker shows that the Dems demand recounts until their Man/Woman win then it's over. Case in point, the recent Governors race in Washington State.
I am not only one who thinks Dean is good for the Republicans and those who believe in what this country has stood far. Kathleen Parker share her thoughts
Dean said the Republicans are racist, but Peter Kirsanow turns the tables on Dean
Kyle Williams has his thoughts on Dean but also has some unkind words for the GOP as well.
Ted Byfield from the Great White North tells us about his country's attempt outlaw certain ways to displine children...Someone needs to tell their leaders to TAKE OFF!!!
Dietary supplements under attack again???? You bet says Henry Lamb
Cliff Kincaid says Bill Moyers makes a point regarding the Wall Street Journal having a program on PBS, but for Kincaid its about someone who sold out, while Moyers is trying to protect the lefty slant of the program service he left behind.
Token Leftys
I like Brent Bozell when it comes to his Media Research Center and tracking liberal bias in the mainstream news media, but his Parents Television Council was were I part company with him, and I bet ya Neal Boortz does too. Sadly it takes a lefty like Bill Berkowitz to stand up to the PTC.
Middle Class shrinks and super rich get richer. Paul Krugman throws a fit once again. I guess its better off to be poor and depended on the Government than being able to get wealthy.
E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net
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