Hugh Hewitt has someone from the CAIR to speak for level headed Muslims
You know I have tried to let Hugh Hewitt know about my blog. I may be under the radar right now but I will still do what I have to do the get more people to my blog...even if that takes years and years.
Today I am glad that Hewitt did not give a damn about my blog. Today on Hewitt's talk radio show which is heard on 75 radio stations (and that is far less than what Michael Savage), he had a spokesman from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to speak on behalf of the Tom Tancredo flap.
Granted Tancredo has step across a line that he should have not crossed, but for Hewitt to have a group that has YET to denounce the actions of the milliant muslims who cut heads, and do whatever it takes to usher in the Islamic World Order is a spit in the face of many freedom loving Americans.
CAIR puts pressure from everyone to Paul Harvey, FOX Broadcasting (Season four of 24 anyone), and Dr. Laura to back off from any harsh statement regarding the Islamic religion. I have yet to hear from CAIR that they don't support the actions of the Taliban/Al Qaeda cult. As long as CAIR does not renouce the actions of these Muslim extremists, I can't and will not support CAIR and I will not support anyone who gives confort to CAIR, and sadly that includes Hewitt.
Now if Hewitt puts them on the spot I would not say anything, but it seems that he had this person from CAIR almost two hours on his show to denouce the actions of Tancredo. For the record I don't who it is but when he had that person as a guest and the feeling that Hewitt would not challange him on why CAIR says nothing about the AQ/Taliban jerks I had to turn his show off.
...and then you ask yourself why Michael Savage has more stations than YOU Hewitt and why the company you work for (Salem Communcations) clears Savage on stations when they are able to over your show Mr. Hewitt.
Any Hewitt supporters and Hewitt himself can send me an E-Mail if you think I am overlooking something. If I am wrong in anyway I will talk about it on my blog. Again I admit that I turned off the show right away when I heard him say that he had someone from the CAIR
Until then 'Evening Grace', and It's likely I will not listen to Hugh Hewitt again.
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