Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fidel Castro: Dictator For Life

Recently Fidel Castro turned 79 of age, and man he is like an ox. He just keeps on going and going and...wait a minute maybe he is like that Pink Bunny selling a certain battery, and ripping off a one shot commercial featuring a plain old pink elephant toy.

No surprise to me that Castro does not want to retire. The man is going to finish what he more/less started. No to mechion he really enjoys his power trip. Neverless he needs to prepare to keep his legacy alive, after all he can't live forever allthough he wishes for that.

Well he had some good things come his way including a court victory and someone that thinks like him running Venezuela.

One thing to keep in mind regarding our beloved leftys here in America and everywhere else. Their has NEVER BEEN a Communist, a Marxist that they ever hated, and believe me when I tell you that the left in general are members of the Fidel Castro Fan Club in good standing.

Castro Turns 79, Celebrating Spy Victory


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