Saturday, August 13, 2005

Some Random Thoughts

Should the Democratic National Committe and the Communist Party USA merge?

Devvy Kidd is a very outspoken and vocal advocate for a return to the princples that were laid out by our founders has recently written a piece that is truly in your face. In fact many of her pieces are. While Mike Rosen and Neal Boortz point out that the Democrats have a love affair with socialism and they truly do, Kidd wonder if the Dems and Communist Party USA should merge. Kidd by the way is not affilated with either of the major parties, but still the media at large and the Dems are ready to stone her because she is not part of the personality cult, and yes I do mean personality cult. Kidd is not afraid to tell ya that Franklin Delano Roosevelt is truly the one who laid that groundwork for America becoming a socialist state.

Kidd was not only one to speak out against FDR and his policies. Jim Powell recently wrote a book called "FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression," and a book written much closer to FDR's time called "The Roosevelt Myth" that was written by John T. Flynn.

As for the Dems and the Commies merging. They might as well finish the deal cause in the last election the Commies have not put anybody up front but rather endorse the Democrat candidate. Well it shows that the Commies play to win and they want to see is a USSR in the USA, or make that a USSA. Marx and Lennin would be proud.

Here is that piece from Kidd

It's Official Harry Belafonte is a Race Baiter

Well last weekend singer Harry Belafonte went to a march in Atlanta that commemorating the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. Belafonte a few years back that Colin Powell was some kind of "house slave." Well now the 'Banana Boat Man' really outdid himself and backtracking is not doing him no good. As pointed out by Cybercast News Service, and radio talkers Neal Boortz and Michael Savage; Belafonte used a Hitler analogy regarding Powell and Condoleezza Rice.

"Hitler had a lot of Jews high up in the hierarchy of the Third Reich. Color does not necessarily denote quality, content or value...[If] a black is a tyrant, he is first and foremost a tyrant, then he incidentally is black. Bush is a tyrant and if he gathers around him black tyrants, they all have to be treated as they are being treated."

Well what can I say? Belafonte is no differerent then that the JacksonSharpton's of the world.

Oh and by the way some of the others that attended this event in Atlanta included Michgan Rep John Conyers (who panders to to the Hispanics and Arabs by allowing them to translate his website), Greg Mathis (TV Courtroom Judge and says that the GOP leaders need to be locked up for not allowing his elk to steal the 2000 election and make Al Gore President), Cally Rep Maxine Waters, and yes Jesse Jackson was their too.

Information taken from Cybercast News Services

Oh and by the way, did you know that the AFL-CIO (labor union) was a sponsor of this event, along with the usual civil rights groups (NAACP, Urban League, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference etc.). Sounds like to me that this nothing more but a warm up for what is to come regarding the Democrats next attempt to get back into power.

Good thing we have Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder to put these race baiters in their places.

Next time Mr BB Man in the words of The Rock; "Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth."

Jerry Doyle says Bush should speak to Cindy Sheehan...Again

Actor turned radio talk show host Jerry Doyle who ran as a Republican in Cally but now is unaffiliated says that Bush should speak with Cindy Sheehan who is protesting outside of his ranch in Crawford, Texas. One of Doyle's guests agreed (can't remember his name) but also said that meeting could only a few words.

Maybe he should with Cindy, but it may not do him any good. Sheehan may be grieving but she is not handling it well. It was stated during Doyle's program (don't who if Doyle said it or his guest) that Sheehan should not be used by anyone right or left. However she is being used by the left big time and it seems that Sheehan does not mind at all. Looking at the way she is getting all this attention by the news media and the liberal radio talk show hosts, it looks like she has found friends.

The 'Rosa Parks' of the Peace Movement???...Be Afraid Be VERY AFRAID!!! I am starting to smell a rat, and that rat is pull out of Iraq (which Sheehan advocates), let our enemies win and make America look bad...AGAIN!!!! It's also all right when our enemies rape and kill people too.


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