The Progressive Radio Talkers come to Camp Casey
I do think that Cindy should name it after HERSELF rather than her son. This woman is not impressing me one bit. Its hard to lose someone in war, but now its getting to be too much and its overkill, but hey the media loves her so the overkill will go on.
But anyway Cindy Sheehan's husband is decided that being married to her is not worth it anymore.
The good news is that the left is still with her in her protest in front of Bush's ranch in Crawford, TX and now several progressive radio talkers are going to hang out with Cindy. Darth Fargo will be taking his national program to Crawford and will do the show tomorrow and Thursday. Another lefty talker, Stacy Taylor who does a local program in San Diego will be in Crawford Friday to spead the love to Cindy.
Cindy Sheehan is the Michael Newdow of the moment. Rather than using someone's offspring to make us religion free, Sheehan is using her son's memory to try to make Iraq another Vietnam. Bottom line, the goal is to make Bush look bad regarding Iraq, and the left thinks they have found their person to accomplish this goal. Time will tell if they can score a touchtown.
Cal Thomas says that Bush should meet with Cindy but...NOT ALONE!!! Click Here to find out the rest
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