Gunny Bob Newman has got Cindy Sheehan's Number
Well I could not wait until tomarrow to post this but I want to say on Gunny Bob Newman's talk radio program on KOA-AM in Denver, he exposed the unholy alliances that Cindy Sheehan has made. According to Newman several communist and socialist groups are standing behind this woman.
One person I shall name that is supporting her is a woman by the name of Medea Benjamin. This woman said she died and went to heaven after a visit to Fidel Castro's socialist utopia in Cuba. on Medea Benjamin.
Now here is that piece from Gunny Bob
A Mother Insults Her Fallen Son
August 8, 2005
Cindy Sheehan does not believe those filthy ragheads and camel jockeys in Iraq deserve freedom. Nor does she believe they should be allowed to live in peace or be able to sleep at night without wondering if their genocidal dictator’s bloodthirsty henchmen are going to kick their door in and drag the entire family off to a grisly torture chamber, where the parents will be made to watch their children be repeatedly raped and sodomized and finally blinded and dismembered while still alive.
Her son adamantly disagreed with her. U.S. Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, in fact, disagreed with his mother so vehemently that he was willing to give his life so that brown-skinned Muslims he didn’t even know could be free.
Now Mrs. Sheehan claims George Bush, not terrorists, killed her son. She didn’t protest when the maniacs of 9-11 killed nearly 3,000 people. She doesn’t fault the mass murderers who continue to butcher innocent Iraqi men, women and children and who continue to kill courageous American military personnel. She didn’t fly to London to protest outside of a mosque. She is in no way shocked by the hundreds of mass graves being excavated in Iraq, graves filled with tens of thousands of bodies of Saddam’s victims. She is not troubled at all by the numerous al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq who want to kill every American man, woman and child on earth. And she could not care less that proud Iraqis, facing death, voted for the first time in throngs for the politician of their choice, defiantly holding up ink-stained fingers to show they had faced down the terrorists. To Cindy Sheehan, it would appear, Arabs, especially Muslim Arabs, should have no right to vote or even live for that matter.
Cindy Sheehan’s son volunteered for military service and knew he would probably go to war. He accepted the risks and dangers and was okay with them. He died doing his part to prevent the Muslim terrorists from killing more and more innocent civilians around the world, in places like the Philippines, Italy, Thailand, France, India, Russia, Lebanon, Netherlands, England, Israel, Spain and the United States. Mrs. Sheehan, if her actions and words are any indication, apparently thinks her son was an idiot because of his beliefs.
Incredibly, although 1,800 mothers would like a private audience with the president to talk about their son or daughter being killed in the war on terror, Mrs. Sheehan actually got such an audience last summer. Yet in her astounding arrogance, she is now demanding another audience, even though the vast majority of other moms whose sons were lost in the war have yet to be granted such a meeting.
Why does Cindy Sheehan feel her son was more important than all the rest? How dare she demand two of what the vast majority of other war mothers never receive any.
In Heaven, her son’s buddies are giving him some good-natured ribbing, asking why his mother is messing with the commander in chief. But Casey’s big heart is breaking. He is ashamed of his mother’s desperate desire to be seen and heard in the media. Whereas nearly all other mothers of American warriors maintain their dignity and respect the ultimate sacrifice made by their valiant sons, Cindy Sheehan grandstands and seeks the spotlight of notoriety her son never sought.
Specialist Casey Sheehan believed others came before him. His mother believes she comes before everyone else.
That’s the difference between a selfless patriot and a self-centered egotist.
And To that Gunny Bob I say AMEN TO THAT!!!
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