The Thing Called Supply & Demand
Gas prices are high, and How do you fix it????
If you are a progressive you would advocate "Price Controls" and "Certain Days" when you could fill up your tank. That is what Jimmy Carter did when he was president back in the late 1970's. Just another ideal that would cost Carter another four years in the Oval Office.
I think you need to learn a lesson from Walter Williams and why the prices are high right now.
Here is my way (and then some) to fix this crisis..., Nuclear Power and Build more Refinerys. The latter has not been done thanks to the Enviormentalist and their Enviormental Regulations. Next time you see one of those people, tell them; "Thanks for the high Gas Prices."
What had NO new refinery since 1980 people. Now we pay the price for stonewalling the oil companies for what they COULD do to keep prices resonable.
Hey the Euro's pay almost $7.00 a gallon for Gas.
One more person to thank for High Gas Prices...Bill Clinton. Vetoed a bill that would allow us to drill ANWR.
Stiffle what the oil companies on what they can do and yet blame them for the Government's OWN MISTAKES!!!
That's the mind of a Socialist for ya
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