Sunday, August 28, 2005

Random Thoughts

Katrina is coming and she is very Angry

Well the city of New Orleans is bracing for Hurricane Katrina which is now at Category 5 and is a danger to anyone who is in the way. New Orleans has never faced a great event like this until now. According to news reports Bush is watching this very carefuly and preparing for the worse, which is likely to happen. Time is running out, and there may not be a close call. Last time a C5 happened it was in the year 1992.

The name of the Hurricane: Andrew
The place: Homestead, Florida
The death toll: 43
Cost of the damage: $31 Billion

Lets go back to 1969

The name of the Hurricane: Camille
The Place: Mississippi coast

Let go back even to 1935 and in the Florida Keys 600 people were killed by a C5 Hurricane.

This will not help the gas prices either becasue the oil refineries are shutting down. Just remember that if you taken into account inflation we paid around the same prices during the 1970's and early 1980's at this moment.

Yea the oil companies will be blamed once again, but the real culprits never get blamed. That would be our government (Especially those that promote socialism) , the enviormental extremists. Thank them for the high prices. Don't forget that in Europe and other places of the world, the gas is REALLY HIGH!!! Do you know that? That's the price you pay for a Nanny State.

Direct link to NOAA National Hurricane Center

If You Never Forgave Jane Fonda; Be Ye Glad You Did!!!

As you know by now Jane Fonda has now come out in opposition to the Iraq war. Even since her autobiography came out and was bought and paid for by the sheeple who admire her no matter what, she admits that she does not regret her stand aganist Vietnam. The only she really regrets is getting caught hanging out with the enemy. Fonda will not be only one in her quest to "stop the war." George Galloway, an outspoken socialist in the British Parliament will be riding in Fonda's envior-friendly bio-diesel bus. Fonda says she is doing this at the request of certain war veterans.

Before we move on let just point out a few quotes from these two losers.

Jane Fonda:

"I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would someday become communist."

"The Viet Cong are driven by the same spirit that drove Washington and Jefferson."

No Hanoi Jane; they were never driven by the spirt of our founders. Our framers wanted people to live a free nation, while the Cong's wanted to enslave.

Now here is...

George Galloway

"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength and your indefatigability." That was the words he told to Saddam Hussein.

"I will not condemn the just war of populations of occupied territories when they resist, in any way that they can, uninvited invaders on to their sovereign soil."

This guy by the way was kicked out of the Labour Party. Can you blame them? He is a loose cannon.

Links regarding the two:

Story from World Net Daily

Winipedia on George Galloway on George Galloway

Is their any shread of Decency & Respect in you Rev. Phelps??? Oh yea; how we forget. We love Gays and God Hates Them.

I don't have to tell about Rev. Phelps and his family, and their never ending protests to remind us all that "God Hates Fags." These people have nothing better but to promote their passion of hating Homosexuals, and its very likely that every sermon that has recently come out of Phelps's mouth is about how the 'fags' are going to hell. Saying that within your four walls is one thing. Protesting in front of Focus on the Family, and those who support Gay Rights (local Colorado Springs business man and City Council official Richard Skorman is a classic example) is also part of that one thing. However they go too far when they protest in front of high schools and at funerals for those who died for our country.

Rev. Phelps says that our soldiers are being killed in Iraq as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays or as like to say Fags. Every thing that is bad is because we don't pick up the stones and throw them at homosexuals hoping they will die on the spot. What ever happen "He who hath sin cast the first stone;" and "Go and sin no more?"

As for myself I have no problem with people that call themselves Gay, Lesbian. I get a little uncomfy at first but once I get to know ya, I might be your best friend. I agree with Neal Boortz he says what is not normal to you and me may not be normal to them.

As for the Phelps clan, show some respect by not protesting when people are in sadness and remembring their sons and daughters who gave their blood and lifes for jerks like you. If its not Cindy Sheehan, then its the filth coming from the Phelps.

Man oh Man, is their any intellgent life on this planet?

Related AP Story


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