Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Careful who you Shun and Snub..They may turn on you

Well I am going to talk about why I am longer calling myself a Christian. Now that does not mean I have turned on God nesscary or even Jesus Christ who have might have overcame death...or not.

Listeners were warned by one Christian Talk Show Host that Christian's have been known to leave their own people behind. Well one day that Christians stuck it to him big time, but he did land on his feet. To this day I continue to support this person.

Click here to visit the offical website of Steel on Steel with John Loeffler

I for one know how the Christian Church and organized Religion in general hurts people. In recent years I have delt with a political zealot, a so-called friend who has become so "busy" with his family that he chucks others like paper cups, and Christian Women in general who just find me different which makes them nervous. In other words they avoid me like the plague. You know my so-called friend's loving wife talks about the "church" being a "family" of sorts. Yea right. I am just the Black Sheep. When they say they miss you, they don't really. They move on with their lives and familes as they should.

It seems that "God" takes pleasure in making certain people unhappy. You could say that this is just a test, so that you look forward to the afterlife. One question; what if their is NO afterlife? What if happiness is what you make here on earth, even that comes in small doses?

All of this just drove me to the libertarian philosophy, and its been even easier for me to defend what the founders of this country really wanted. To me it does not matter that they have been Christians, Deists, Freethinkers or whatever. Unlike many Freethinkers today, our founders understood how a Goverment can be overpowering in our daily lives.

Back then they had to deal with the Monarchy of England, and man King George just wanted to extend his power. Today the Monarchy is gone but thanks to Karl Marx a repacked system called socialism came on the scene. Too many Freethinkers or at least the outspoken ones embrace this system that claims to help the working people but really oppress them.

Even since I stopped attending church, I have had more peace of mind than I had when I was attending church.

Let this be a lesson to you Republicans, cause one Republican became a Democrat because you shuned him. He wrote a book about how Kansas is crazy just because they are NOT voting for the Dems. Kimberly Shankman talks about Thomas Frank and his recent book regarding this.


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