Girl is suspended from Christian School in Ontario, California
The Crime??? Her mother is a lesbian.
Look I can understand if a student was doing something amoral or bad that was against the rules of the school that kicking them out would be justified, but it seems that the parents must be morally straight as well. Everyone must be just as holy as this school.
Granted it can do what it likes since its a private school, but don't you think you that your really harming your cause rather than helping it? Could you have help this girl learning the benefits of being a hetrosexual and waiting until marriage to have sex?
No they can't and that is a crying shame. At least the mother will not fight back, and I respect her for that. It is the school's loss, not the student's.
Score One, for the Government Schools. They can use this to make a case for their existance.
Wonder why I don't want to be Christian any longer?
Story from The Associated Press
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