Saturday, September 17, 2005

Cindy Sheehan HATES the Milltary

I can offically say that because just recently this witch (with a B) has recently said that we need to pull out of not only Iraq but out of NEW ORLEANS!!!

What is your problem Ms. Sheehan??? Are you that upset over your son's death that your peacenick quest comes to this?

From this point on Cindy Sheehan, the gloves WILL come off, and should the media at large give you the coverage it did back in August, I will not show any mercy. You will be attacked big time by yours truly, and I will show anyone who visits my blog that your nothing but a Radical Socialist (but working within the Democratic Party) bent on distorying this nation.

I don't care if Jay Marvin, Stephanie Miller, Stacy Taylor, Darth Fargo, Lionel, Bill Press, Randi Rhodes, Al Franken, Thom Hartman, Laura Flanders, Jerry Springer, Mike Malloy, Janeane Garofalo, and the liberal journalists at large think your a great American...YOU NOT AT ALL CINDY SHEEHAN!!!! You would sell us out to the dictators who would crush us if given a chance.

I don't feel sorry for you, any longer. Casey Sheehan made his choice, and that choice was to go and stand by the men and women fighting in Iraq.

Just wait until the Democrats get back into the majority. They just might allow this country to be destroyed overnight, before they can make America the new socialist paradise they have been dreaming about for years.

Story from World Net Daily.

Don't Believe WND? You sure can believe Michael Moore's website.


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