Thursday, December 01, 2005

NBC's Shuffles but are they going to Crucify Earl in the name of reviving MUST SEE TV???

Must See TV was the slogan for many years regarding NBC Thursday nights. With Friends gone NBC has taken a hit, and ER has been taken a second place finish to CBS's Without a Trace for quite some time.

My Name is Earl is going to Thursdays, but in my opinion in the WRONG TIME slot. Earl will now be seen in the 8/9 slot along with the Office (8:30/9:30). Who will lead off. Will & Grace which be followed by a new show from W&G's creators called "Four Kings." I seems that W&G people are getting perks from the Peacock. Be careful or your going to be big losers but in a negative way. By the way The Donald will return after the Winter Olympics.

So who replaces Earl and the Office? SCRUBS!!! What does NBC see in this show??? The best they could do is keep Earl and make it a lead in to Scrubs. To quote TV Guide regarding a show they think would fail (Surface) but did not. Glug, Glug, Glug. That is the sound of your ratings on Tuesdays. I say it again NBC is going to be the biggest losers if they are not careful.

Speaking of losers the weight loss reallity constest will get somewhat of an extended stay on NBC. The "Special Edition" of Loser replaces Martha's Apprentice on Wednesday nights. Why you can't keep Loser on Tuesdays. Two words FEAR FACTOR!!! Everyones favorate reality contest in which self contaned shows CAN be done, but archs can be done if they choose. Fear Factor can be too much for me at certain times. I shall stick with the "CSI Lite" show that is called NCIS.

Also NBC is trying yet another Mini-Series with a religious theme. This series is called "Book of Daniel." In this show an Episcopal priest is speaking with Jesus in visions...Yes that is the ideal of the show. Is Amy Grant coming back? Better to have "three wishes" than maybe this stuff.

More on NBC's shuffle from


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