Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Poor Teddy; He is losing it

The Godfather of Talk Radio (Rush Limbaugh) aired these quotes on his show today

Our Founding Fathers failed the test when they wrote slavery into the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln pointed the way, and we passed the 13th, 14th, 15th amendment, and had a Civil War but we didn't resolve this issue. It was only 'til we had the courage of those members of what branch of government? Not the United States Congress, not the United States Senate, not the executive, the judiciary, the Fifth Circuit. We're talking now about the Supreme Court. But they are the ones that changed this country inevitably with what we call the march toward progress.

The '65 act for volting -- voting rights, '68 act for public accommodations, the 1973 act to say that women are going to be treated equally, the Americans with Disability Act that said the disabled are going to be part of the American family. All of that is the march to progress, and, my friends, the one organization, the one institution that protects it is the Supreme Court of the United States!

Question does it conflict with the Constitution???? Does it conflict with what our founders wanted??? If answer is NO to both of these questions then Teddy you have nothing to worry about. What he is a afraid of is that the "progress" towards socialism is going to be blocked now that their judges are replaced by judges that do not comply with the left's agenda.


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