The Ports Ordeal
I have not said anything about transaction of some of our ports to Dubai Ports World which is a company operated by the United Arab Emirates which is a country in the middle east. Now I do cause this issue is still hot and I am still trying to hear all sides on this and believe this is not black and white.
Many on the left and right have expressed concern about this, and I am listen to all the debate on this issue. Most of the Talk Radio personalites that I have been I have listened to are opposing this. That list would include Neal Boortz, Gunny Bob Newman (KOA-AM Denver), Glenn Beck. Darth Fargo is also on the side of the talkers I mechioned along with many Dems which the expection of Jimmy Carter who supports this sale to this UAE Company.
Leading support of the UAE deal include Mike Rosen (another KOA-AM talker), and the mighty Godfather of talk radio Rush Limbuagh. Rosen says he have to deal with the real world, and Rush himself says that the company is not going to replace the current workers that work their, plus he points out the hypocrisy the left has regarding American-Arab relations. Seems that when it comes to the Enlightned Academia No Problem, but a Company that is part of the UAE then you have a problem. Can you say Union is piticing a fit, sure your can. Again Rush says that only the people that write their checks will change. Also showing support for the port deal is Repubican Senator Johnny McCain from Arziona.
As with other American-Globalist issues people are still not feeling relaxed about it, even if Rush says don't panic.
I can say I am still not crazy about selling or renting out ports to a country with certain ties to terrorists even if UAE says their are on our side. Talk is Cheep and its the Actions of certain people or groups that speak louder.
Opinons and stories on the Ports Ordeal
Sen. Rick Santorum-R Pennsylvania: Opposed to the Deal
Michelle Malkin: Opposed but points out the Dems double speak
Ann Coulter: Also takes the Dems to task but also does not like the deal
Newsmax reports that Democrat Jon Liberman supports the deal
Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Pete King a Democrat and Republican respectfuly out of the state of New York: Opposed
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